Saturday, January 18, 2025

Teen Titans and Doctor Strange


One cool thing that I have liked about the Teen Titans is the variety of types of stories that were told with the team.  They could easily go from standard superhero fare to epic off-planet action to street level mysteries.  It would be cool to see them share a mystic adventure with Dr. Strange.


Anonymous said...

Nice! This makes me think a Dr. Strange/Raven cover would make sense as well.

AirDave said...

Awww, yeah! Titans! You're so right! The variety of stories for the Titans is pretty awesome!

Anonymous said...

Too true! For instance; do you suppose Lilith was kidnapped to become...Mrs. Universe? ;-)

Anonymous said...

I mean, think about it. First, Mr. Universe went after GL John Stewart and the Vision (with the Scarlet Witch oddly nowhere in sight). Then, he goes after Power Girl's sweetheart, then PG, herself. And, yesterday, he goes after Spider-Woman and the Dominoed Daredoll. What's the connection? Methinks there can be no more denying it.

Mr. Universe is looking for a bride!

Anonymous said...

And, in Lilith, he just might've found one.

Carycomic said...

Awesomely blended artwork, Ross. :-)

Ben W said...

Nice one! This is from the recent World's Finest Teen Titans, isn't it? Well done!

Also, I just had the most hilarious idea... Chameleon Boy versus Mystique, but the picture doesn't seem to show either of them, just a bunch of random people, almost like a Where's Waldo picture!

Anonymous said...

A Gen Z-er would probably reply: "Who's Waldo?"

Detective Tobor said...
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Detective Tobor said...

this is a great cover, and the art is refined to really set the atmosphere! Doc and the Titans really belong together.

Carycomic said...

You are so right. That could even be one of Doc's earliest foes. That sinister sentient domicile known as...The House of Shadows!

me said...

Gorgeous cover. When I first saw the cover I was thinking it was the House of Mystery.. Adding Bumblebee to it is interesting since she did not get a lot of appearances with Titans. Even title makes sense because she was always a mystery.

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