Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Gladiator Vs. Predator


We've seen a bunch of Predator/Marvel crossovers now that both properties are under the same corporate umbrella, so maybe this battle will be created for real one of these days.  The Predator might have his hands full in this match up, but it would be fun to see play out.


Anonymous said...

Maybe princesses Tiana and Anastasia could meet;they both live in similar times and have similar.enough archenemies.

Carycomic said...

@Ross: maybe the Yautja are looking for a mutual ally against a swarm of Brood-assimilated xenomorphs.

Bobbo said...

My money is on the Predator!

Anonymous said...

When did DC print this? It doesn’t have any DC characters.

Ben W said...

Heh, someone is new here!

Carycomic said...

This Predator is from the Dark Horse Nebula (lol!).

Detective Tobor said...

this place is done by a fan with good taste BUT not limited to DC only characters in use. try the left side labels library in alphabetical order.

Detective Tobor said...

Marvel's Superboy isn't fully known about is he? Could be a challenge.

Anonymous said...

Especially if he met Roy the Super-Boy from MLJ (Golden Age forerunner of Archie Comics)!

Anonymous said...

@Tobor: are you referring to Noh-Varr or Kid Gladiator?---Cary

Anonymous said...

Because, with Crossgen Comics having been bought by Marvel, the character once known as Archetyke would be more appropriate as a Silver Age Superboy analog. Perhaps with a better name, too. Like, say, Derivatar (= "derivative avatar")!

Anonymous said...

For those who never read it: Crossgen once published a mini-series called "The Crossovers". A super-family of four consisting of a teenage Xena analog; her younger brother (an alien foster wunderkind); their vampire-slaying mother; and their crime-fighting father (a Superman analog called Archetype). As half-serious spoofs-cum-homages go, it wasn't bad!

Bob Greenwade said...

Y'know who I think would be interesting to match up against Predator? The Strange Brothers.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! It's been awhile since the last time Stephen and Adam teamed up.

Anonymous said...

One on one, that is.

Anonymous said...

This Predator needs to team up with the Terminator film robot & The Karate Kid film version & see if they can keep their names from the DC originals = Deathstroke (always hated that name on him), LOSH Karate Kid & GL foe The Predator (from the early 80s). Talk about a battle royal.

Carycomic said...

Did you know that the DC version of Predator was actually an avatar of Carol Ferris' tomboyish side?*

*Supposedly her Freudian desire to be the Carl Ferris, Junior, her male sexist father never got.

Detective Tobor said...

the Man from Gladd!

Anonymous said...

^ Yes, but I wish the origin reveal was someone different. She was already in the DC Universe (& Who's Who) with her Star Sapphire identity & didn't really need another one added to the mix. I'd wish it was someone related to Air Wave 3's life (his parents being AW 1 & 2 of course). Maybe a common relative with Hal Jordan.

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