Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Iron Man and King Kong


We may see them from time to time, but for the most part, gorgeously painted movie posters are a thing of the past.  It's too bad, some of them were truly iconic.  Just like album covers, somewhere along the line, artistry took a back seat to more commercial advertising.


Ken Roskos said...

Pretty awesome Ross! Sometimes I miss those old blockbuster flicks from the '70's. Appropriate cover for what's going on in the news today. That old Iron Man suit may not be up to this job. Stark will really have to use his wits to take down Kong.

Anonymous said...

If this were done as a Marvel Film, it would probably end with an Easter egg among the end credits where Tony Stark meets his primate counterpart from a parallel-Earth. Iron Mandrill!

Carycomic said...

Sad-but-true, Ross. These days, it seems like when money talks, artistic integrity walks (more often than not).

Shamus said...

Has Howard the Duck met Blue Devil yet? I really think those two would play well off each other.

Detective Tobor said...

Couple shots to the ankles and knees would do a fast job on Kong. Damage Control is gonna have a busy weekend. Where to put him safely.?

Anonymous said...

I definitely agree; I've always had a soft spot for painted posters, paperback & comic covers (especiall Dell & Goldkey), you name it. Even though the 70s King Kong movie was a flop at the box office (at least I recall it getting no respect) me and my friends loved it. And when the Superman movie came out shortly after I remember wishing they'd used the King Kong stuff so we could've had a Titano cameo/sequel. Oh well, maybe some Youtuber version of you, Ross, will edit it into existance someday.

Anonymous said...

Or, at the very least, a lobby card for everyone's favorite fanfilm: Godzilla vs. Gorgo!

Carycomic said...

Speaking of kings: Happy What-Would've-Been-His-90th Birthday to Elvis Presley. The once-and-future King of Rock n' Roll!

Bob Greenwade said...

I just want to say: This cover is beautifully done, Ross.

Anonymous said...

Kong would see Shellhead as 1 big flying banana in this tale.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Wow! Awesome crossover!

Carycomic said...

But, with an un-a-peeling-taste.

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