Sunday, January 12, 2025

Spaceman Spiff and Captain America

 Captain America is a natural born leader, but could even he be able to rein in the action-seeking mind of Calvin?  It would be an interesting meeting, to be sure.


Carycomic said...

Cap and Calvin taking on Snow Miser? I LOVE IT! :-D

Anonymous said...

Is that the Snow Miser?

Detective Tobor said...

Suppose Batman had found Steve originaly...what might that elseworld be like?

Detective Tobor said...

Spiffy...too bad you couldn't add Boris & Natasha as well!

Ken Roskos said...

Great Sunday morning comics page Ross! To see Cap try to train Calvin the same way he trained Bucky would be a hoot. But now, I've got that song stuck in my head - again - "I'm Mister White Christmas, I'm Mister Snow..."

Carycomic said...

The one-and-only!*

*Much like Cyrus of Grammercy Park.

Anonymous said...

Much like Marvel Earth-3839, I suspect.

Anonymous said...

"rein" (not reign or rain)

Vincent Jones said...

Cap & Calvin vs. Snow Miser? That’s too much!

Anonymous said...

That's why I learned--the hard way--never to over-rely on Spell Checker.

Jason Toddman said...

Actually I always considered Snow Miser to be the more reasonable one of the two Miser brothers. :-) Might be fun to see them team up with Calvin to fight some greater menace (take your pick; there are so many of them) in the form of one of his usual adversaries. I was going to say climate change, but Heat Miser might actually like that.

Carycomic said...

Not even HM is fool enough to mess with his mom. ;-D

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday on 1-12, Ross. LMB

Ross said...

Thank You!

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