Friday, January 24, 2025

Hercules and The Tick


Now these two heroes I am sure would get along.  Their heroism loving personalities with a dash of vanity and great strength to back up their boasts would probably make them fast friends.  It would be a fun romp to see them working togather.


Alaric said...

This would be an absolutely amazing team-up. Especially if it's the version of the Tick from the cartoon.

dsnokc said...

Add in Aquaman from the animated The Brave and the Bold and you'd have an album-full of boastful ballads.

Carycomic said...

Deadman to Rama Kushna (opening splash page): "They killed the Green Giant?! But, he was a good guy!"

Yes, folks, it's true. Once upon a time, there was a one-shot appearance by the most famous spokesperson of canned vegetables, in the world, as a Golden Age superhero. His civilian identity: Brent Wood. Since then, that particular version of the Green Giant has entered the public domain and has, thus, been adapted/adopted/whatever by Dynamite Entertainment for their Project: Super Powers comic book imprint.

Jason Toddman said...

Oh heck, I was say this! lol

Jason Toddman said...

Maybe he needs to be avenged by that other famous "jolly" green giant... aka The Incredible Hulk.

Ken Roskos said...

(The Tick) "I gave my love a chicken that had no bone..."

me said...

But does the Tick drink? I have only seen the series but he does not seem type to drink. Maybe the Tick will be designated driver on Herc's charriot.

Anonymous said...

Killer Moth & Gypsy Moth needs to kidnap The Tick's mothboy sidekick Arthur & let Batgirl 2 & Spider-Woman 1 rescue him (since these 2 are busy singing their hearts out around a campfire).

Anonymous said...

Providing, of course, they're not still fighting off the unwanted advances of Mr. Universe!

Detective Tobor said...

Tick? BUG OUT!! Has Herc met Deadpool yet? these buddy pictures always do well at the B.O. Come to think of it, how would Herc do with Aquaman underwater?

Carycomic said...

Let's ask Ross to pit them against a mutant catfish called "Flerkules" and we'll see.

Anonymous said...

A quick glance at the Tick's team-ups on here reveals he hasn't teamed up with the 3 most boastful JLAers = Superman, Green Arrow or Guy Gardner.

Some other future team-up ideas for him = The Inferior 5, Great Lake Avengers, Angel & the Ape, Royal Roy, Brother Power, The Impossible Couple, Changeling & Terra, Frog-Man, Angel Love & Planet Terry (doesn't the Tick's moon have a laser imprint of some kind from the cartoon show?).

Anonymous said...

I would classify Guy Gardner as the only true braggart. Superman I'd classify as more like moderately preachy (though I'm sure it's always well-intentioned) . As for GA? Definitely a pedantic leftist! Not that that means he's always wrong re: some of his conspiracy theories! As Batman once told the Martian Manhunter: "Even a loose cannon occasionally hits the bull's eye."

Carycomic said...

@Anon1027: lol!

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