I finally watched the first two seasons of Titans, and I can't say I am a big fan of the series. Some of the costumes look good - Hawk and Dove, Deathstroke, the Robins and the CGI Trigon come to mind. The characterizations is where the show falls apart for me. Every character is depressed and way overly violent in their crimefighting interactions. Dove should not be as bloodthirsty as Hawk! Gar Logan only changes into a tiger and then eats people? and what's with all the F bombs? It's the series' favorite word, used frequently by every character, even ones who it is wholly inappropriate for like Bruce Wayne, Kory or Raven. There's some cool power usage (I like how Jericho's abilities were realized), and by the end, it feels like the team wants to move away from their violent tendencies, but these episodes were tough to get through for a fan of the 80's comics.
These two teams first met in STF #1250...