Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Hyperion Vs. Green Lantern


With all of the multiverse-related shenanigans that have been going on, I am a little surprised that we have'nt had any hints about the Squadron Supreme existing in the MCU.  Perhaps they could be brought into Avengers: Doomsday or Avengers; Secret Wars, but those movies already sound jam packed without introducing a whole new team of heroes.  I'd get a kick out of seeing them, though!


Anonymous said...

That group handled RIGHT could be the intro to a DC / Marvel movie teaser. TVA uses them to clean up after Deadpool!

Detective Tobor said...

Took a bit, but that was me just now, too!

Detective Tobor said...

By the way, does Marvel's version of Hyperman have any kryptonite weakness of his own?

Detective Tobor said...

Hyper-Man was in Action #265 in 1960.

Carycomic said...

Intriguing title! Does it refer, by any chance, to STF #1425-26?

Carycomic said...

P.S.---how about a Collins family reunion? Barnabas meets Eddie in...DARK SHADOWHAWK! Special guest-star Michael "Deathlok 2.0" Collins.

Alaric said...

I imagine that Warner Bros. might be less tolerant of direct copies of some of their properties appearing in big budget movies than they are in comic books that make a fraction as much money.

Jeremy W said...

The powers of Hyperion are drained when exposed to "argonite" radiation.

Bob Greenwade said...

I think at least three versions of the Squadron Supreme have been used to a major extent (including the evil ones).

And once they're introduced in the MCU, I hope they're used to do some major trolling of DC's myriad cinematic missteps.

Ben W said...

If they really want to have fun with these guys in the MCU, Hyperion should be played by Henry Cavill, Nighthawk by Ben Affleck, Power Princess by Gal Gadot.

Anonymous said...

Hyram Horace Horsefeathers could agree more but it would not be easy.Especially with the multiverse going after them?

Kid Charlemagne said...

If Hyperion knows about the ring's yellow weakness, then he wins easily; he could just wrap his cape around GL's ring hand and knock him into Slumberland. Superman did that with the yellow "S" emblem on the back of his cape in ACTION #437 (IIRC), after the villain Effron the Sorcerer forced them to fight.

Anonymous said...

One might even say they were once "Legendary" for it. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Even if that might include Amber Heard as Lady Dorma?

me said...

Marvel Studios tried that with Eternals - a bunch of unconnected characters and it failed. They learned from their mistake and with Thunderbolts in which they did not bother creating the heroes' villians to reform (most but Loki die) but at least has connection with Winter Soldier.

me said...

Marvel still does it but I agree DC will be less tolerant of doing so with films and TV.

me said...

Yellow weakness in ring has been gone for a long time in DC universe. Would be funny for Yellow garbed character in Ross verse to try it and have lantern reply about being out of date.

Bob Greenwade said...

In the name of all that's holy, please, no. If Marvel hires She Who Must Not Be named, I'll immediately and permanently cancel my Disney+ subscription.

But a comment that Dorma has mental problems that make her violent would be fitting.

Anonymous said...

Who would play Wyatt "the Golden Archer" McDonald: Jeremy Renner or Stephen Amell?

Carycomic said...

Neither of the above, please! Go back to the original; Justin Hartley.

Carycomic said...

Marvel Studios' mistake was not going with the Eternals' original format. Druig as the chief bad guy; Ikaris as the chief good guy!

Alaric said...

And the Deviants- in many ways, the most interesting part of the original series, I think- more the way they were in the comcis. Also, it wouldn't have hurt to give the characters personalities that had more than a single note each. And ermember, all the early Marvel movies were essentially "unconnected characters". Personally, while I'd like to see some crossover, I prefer the movies to be somewhat stand-alone. Just like with the comics I never liked it when the crossovers became more important than the individual series. To me, that's not a single universe, it's a single story, which is much less interesting to me.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of crossovers: I wonder what would happen if Spidey teamed up with Lee Falk's Phantom?---Carycomic

"Spider-phan! Spider-phan! Does whatever a ghost-who-walks can!"

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