Thursday, January 9, 2025

Batman Vs. Apocalypse


They say Batman can defeat anyone if he has enough prep time.  Apocalypse has had centuries to prepare himself, though.  It would be an interesting meeting!


me said...

Yes Batman could defeat him - he would call friends for help.

Detective Tobor said...

Batman would need to know a weakness first. Even Wonder Woman can be defeated, but not by physical force. Magic maybe?

Anonymous said...

If Batman wants to find Apocalypse, he could probably find him in Los Angeles, this morning. :-(

Carycomic said...

Personally, I think this is the Martian Manhunter disguised as Batman! See STF #4450 from this past June.*

*Which, in retrospect, could've been chapter 2 of a trilogy that began with STF #1664.

Bob Greenwade said...

My money's on the bat. Apocalypse does have his share of tricks up his sleeve, but Batman has tricks up his sleeve, up his trouser legs, in his mask, on his belt, in his cape, and probably a couple of unmentionable places.

Anonymous said...

And, if all else fails, there's always a bat-wing and a prayer.

Detective Tobor said...

Batman's biggest(?) help is still being underestimated!!

Anonymous said...

I hope you don't mean...Batmite!

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