Friday, January 17, 2025

Spider-Woman and Batgirl in: "A Vile Visit From Mr. Universe!"


Spider-Woman and Batgirl met previously in STF #3879, but I thought it would be cool to see them in an animated adventure as well.  Who better to face off against them than STF's own Mr. Universe, making his 5th appearance.


Carycomic said...

"When Mr. U makes his 5th appearance,
And Jupiter aligns with Mars..."

Ahem! Sorry; Mxyzptlk made me do that.

Being serious, now; Power Girl led the JSA to imprisoning Mr. Universe in STF #4580 because, fifty issues earlier, Mr. Universe had beat the crap out of her boyfriend and Mighty Mouse. But, when he somehow escaped (in STF #4622), her fellow JSA-er, the Star-Spangled Kid, reassembled the 7 Soldiers of Victory to deal with him/it/whatever. With reinforcements provided by the grandnephew
(and nick-namesake) of Golden Age science hero Hugo "Doc" Strange! But, obviously, that still didn't prove effective enough. Perhaps Batgirl and Spider-Woman hope to succeed where they failed by using some reverse-engineered alien tech brought back from the planet Mongo?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a cohesive plot to me! ;-)

Detective Tobor said...

meanwhile, Parasite has been brought to give the Universe a new way to look at things. Funny how things can shift with the right motivation to a "reformed" crimminal. Spider Woman can be such a Nancy Drew!!

Bob Greenwade said...

It's probably about time for Iron Beetle to meet Mr. Universe.

Anonymous said...

I don't know. Rudy might be absorbing more than he can eschew.

Anonymous said...

That's a stark possibility.

Anonymous said...

Sure looks that way. Batgirl already looks like she's wearing anti-grav discs on her boots a la Mr. Miracle!

Anonymous said...

One of your cutest covers for sure. I'll never accept blue boots/gloves on this Batgirl version. It's the yellow ones that work.

Anonymous said...

That's why she used to be called the Dominoed Daredoll.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Universe? That guy from Serenity?

Carycomic said...

No, Steve Universe's long-lost father. ;-)

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