Monday, January 13, 2025

Firestorm Vs. Marvel Villains

There was a bit of background removal and replacement required before I could and Ronnie Raymond and Professor Stein to this cover.  Here's a look at the behind the scenes progress:



Anonymous said...

Is that the Aaron Davis version of Prowler hanging on to the side of that office building? Or is that Hobie Brown working undercover for Amanda Waller?

Carycomic said...

I'd say it's more likely Eric "the Nightcreeper" Cross out to bring the Vulture to justice. The two reportedly have quite a history in one of the mainstream Spidey books.

Carycomic said...

P.S. @ Ross: very innovative! Adapting the cover of a role-playing board game. It provides hope that Bob Greenwade might yet see "The Champions" (from Hero Games) debut here.

Alaric said...

The game supplement the image comes from came out during the period when the Prowler identity had been taken over by a very minor Spider-Man villain called the Cat Burglar, so that's who they used.

Anonymous said...

I have this RPG sourcebook, I recognized it immediately. I must have had all those super heroic RPGs back in the day. @Carycomic I remember Champions and I also remember Villains & Vigilantes. So many wasted hours during my Junior High years, I would waste them all again if I could.

me said...

Quite a lot of work here removing all of the distracting writing and reversing image so Firestorm is on left. Not been reading many Marvel comics for a while but recognized all of the characters without labels. There is no label but that is Kingpin shaking his fist out the window, correct?

me said...

DC's and Marvel's Jack O'Lantern need to meet some day for a Halloween issue but will they be fighting or battling some spooks together?

emsley wyatt said...

Who's the Wolverine knock-off?

Kid Charlemagne said...

The Owl, an old Daredevil villain, who, if I'm not mistaken, is actually an older character than Wolverine.

Bob Greenwade said...

Thanks for the shout-out, Cary! Yes, of course I'm still holding out hope to see the Champions team up with the Champions someday. Or at least Defender and Iron Man. (Or, perhaps Foxbat with Deadpool and Ambush Bug?)

me said...

The Owl first appeared in Daredevil #3 (August 1964).

Detective Tobor said...

1st fast glance of Fisk looked like a giant mad rabbit. With the Owl..great. loved the background. It looks like the 60s annuals' covers. Lucky Stein!!

Anonymous said...


Carycomic said...

What Anon220 said. :-)

Carycomic said...

Thanks, Al :-)

Carycomic said...

I'd settle for Lord Pumpkin of the Ultraverse vs. Dan Brereton's the Nocturnals!

Detective Tobor said...

Of course , this is a snooze for Firestorm. He reshapes everyones weapons into small individual cells for the most part. Frisk can be found atop a mile high pole that keeps him just warm enough. What Spidy wouldn:'t give to be able to take care of these 'big shots'!!

Anonymous said...

Great use of the RPG image. Nicely done.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Stormy would take out most of these guys in 5 minutes or less with Electro giving him the biggest headache.

Carycomic said...

@Bob Greenwade: You could also try pitching Iron Beetle vs. the Superior Man-Spider (the mind of Dr. Otto Pussycat O'Nine-tails in Webster Weaver's body).

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