Friday, June 21, 2024

Wallace & Gromit and Spider-Man


I was very happy to see that Wallace & Gromit have a new movie coming out for Christmas this year - Vengeance Most Foul.  Even better, it will feature the return of their nemesis from The Wrong Trousers - Feathers McGraw.  I can't wait to watch it.


Detective Tobor said...

Soon to be followed by Pinky & The Brain! for New Year's!!

If it was on Boomerang before, then it'll be on ME TV TOONS now!!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if ME TV TOONS should have, for E/I programming,Tennessee Tuxedo.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if ME TV TOONS should have, for E/I programming,Tennessee Tuxedo.

Davejonz said...


I did a quick scan of your covers to find out if you'd ever paired Grommet and Krypto - only to find that the loyal pooch is only listed as part of the Wallace & duo. Still, it looks like not so how about it?

But at least I did get a very entertaining handful of covers. Including a looming Feathers McGraw. How about Feathers meets Doctor Doom? Or Darth Vader?

Carycomic said...

Wallace & Gromit and Spidey? Oh, my!*

*Sorry, Messrs. Tobor and Greenwade. Couldn't resist!

Anonymous said...

What could conceivably be next except...Spider-Ham and Porky Pig!

Anonymous said...

I can see the premise, now.

"ME TV TOONS Presents... Mars Attacks Duck Dodgers!"

Carycomic said...

I'd rather see Wallace and Gromit team up with Dick Tracy to save Rats McTattler from Feathers McGraw. Providing Ross has a sufficient number of image captures, of course!

Shamus said...

I think Silver Surfer and Martian Manhunter would make for a great team up. Two aliens who're mostly alone (at least I see them as being a bit lonely), I could see them having amazing chemistry.

Shamus said...

Also, I could see the old Fawcett Comics character Spy Smasher having great chemistry with Black Widow. They could probably handle a cold war style thriller together. I mean, I haven't read any of Spy Smasher's comics (I mostly know of him thanks to wikipedia), but I see potential with him and Black Widow.

Anonymous said...

Maybe.Spiderman could team with George of the Jungle. If Spider-Man got drunk, he’d probably ram into buildings, paralleling George of the Jungle.

Anonymous said...

Shamus has a great story hook, there. Especially if BW wore her original Cold War-era fishnet unitard!

Anonymous said...

Failing that, I wouldn't be against seeing BTVS and Cyclops of the X-men take on the former Roland Desmond in a sequel to STF #4345 tentatively entitled...

"Summers Blockbuster."

Carycomic said...

Someone please tell me that Anon@12:50 DID NOT just say that. :-(

Ben W said...

@Shamus You should really check out for tons of FREE AND LEGAL comics from the public domain! They have pretty much everything from Fawcett and Quality's Golden Age (including Spy Smasher) and even Charlton's Silver Age, if you like Ted Kord's Blue Beetle! And that's just the tip of the iceberg...

simon said...

Wallace and Gromit do have a spaceship hidden under their house !
feathers McGraw could steal it and have to face off against Duck Dodgers…
there is a interesting story there…

Carycomic said...

@Simon: I would willingly buy that for $0.60. :-)

Anonymous said...

A sure sign I need to go to bed after this.

Foghorn Leghorn and Quickdraw McGraw vs. Feathers McGraw.

jack-el said...

....and Dr(?) Phil McGraw....

Carycomic said...

Now, let's not go crazy, you guys. :-)

Anonymous said...

Dear Ross: was most of this from the video "Curse of the Were-Rabbit"?

Carycomic said...

@Anon1127: yes, it is.

Ross said...

And this Spidey was a Christmas Ornament.

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