Sunday, June 9, 2024

Scarlet Witch and The Teen Titans


This is another cover in which the primary image required some extension and repair before I could add in any new elements.  Here's a look at the behind the scenes progress:


Carycomic said...

Ah, yes! The Teen Titans of the Late Silver Age. Costumed occult-busters just prior to the cessation of Volume 1. All while still under the financial guidance of Loren Jupiter!

Great blending job, Ross. Thanks for sharing and posting...and finally awakening. ;-)

Carycomic said...

P.S.---will there ever be a Round 2 between Kang and Darkseid?

Bob Greenwade said...

Yes, it's nice to see Agatha here (after mentioning her recently), though I would've preferred to see her headlining. I don't know why Madame Xanadu popped into my head for that match-up, but I'd still be interested in that once you have something to say about Agatha All Along.

(Personally, I'd love to see the character develop so that she's fairly accurate to the comic version by the time Kathryn Hahn is that age.)

As for the rest of the cover, it's nearly as seamless as I could ever expect from you, Ross. One could almost surmise that the canine from the original cover has been repurposed into Rahne Sinclair. And this take on Donna looks like she could team up with Sue Storm in the latter's identity as Malice.

BTW, who's the girl laying next to Speedy?

Bigby65 said...

That would be Lilith, later turned into Omen.

Jared Mello said...

Great cover as always, Ross; and seeing Wonder Girl here gave me an idea (that I think I FINALLY beat you to!):

How about Donna Troy with Deanna Troi?

Detective Tobor said...

Why would Wanda invite the team to join the magics? Since Donna has a magical origin, she would easily fit in. But Grayson and the rest?? No idea why they would be invited.

Anonymous said...

Who's to say they were invited? They might have "crashed the party" in order to rescue Donna from whatever Agatha and Wanda have planned for her. Come to think of it, that might not even be Agatha. It might be a Space Phantom impersonating her! I mean, if one of them can do it to an extra-terrestrial as psionically powerful as Xemnu the Living Titan, who's to say the ruler of New Salem, Colorado, wouldn't prove just as vulnerable to such imposture?

Carycomic said...

@Tobor & Anon843: maybe Wanda is only addressing Speedy and Lilith. Maybe she wants to form a cult composed mostly of--and led by--redheads. Which, in turn, could lead to a sequel Ross could entitle:

"We Represent The Ginger-Hair League!"

Anonymous said...

@Carycomic: Oh, please, no! Ross forbid!!

simon said...

we already had the Red Headed League in Sherlock Holmes ,
Agatha & Wanda often fall prey to the Dark side, Donna obviously felt like joining them.
though she appears irregularly Lilith is an interesting character, unlike the boy wonder & Speedy

HORSEFEATHERS, H. H. by the oz said...

@Simon, Donna has had an evil twin so if you can't get the original.....
work with a 'bad' copy.

Detective Tobor said...

@Horsefeathers,.. who doesn't have an evil twin?

Anonymous said...

@Tobor: America Chavez? In "...Multiverse of Madness," she claimed she didn't have _any_ counterparts of herself!

Anonymous said...

@Simon: Maybe Sherlock and the Riddler were investigating a resurgent version connected with Dick Grayson's sudden disappearance from Dog Island.

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