Monday, June 10, 2024

Boba Fett and Wolverine


After being disappointed with the more recent Marvel and Star Wars offerings on Disney+, I wasn't holding out much hope for X-Men '97.  I was happy to find out that my apprehensions were unjustified and the series was a blast to watch.  It truly felt like a successor to the original series, with improved animation that still honored the original designs.  The stories are told at a breakneck pace, I was surprised how many comics storylines they covered in just this one season - but for me it all worked.  I'm looking forward to the show coming back.


Anonymous said...

Truth to tell, I wasn't that crazy about the original X-men series on Fox Network (1992-97). So, I think I'll pass on adding Disney Plus to my basic cable programming plan.

Carycomic said...

Two men who are the best there is at what they do. If I were a gambler, I wouldn't know which one of them to place my money on. Great combo, Ross!

Bob Greenwade said...

After X-Men '97 was announced, I went into Disney+ to rewatch the original show. The first five episodes were actually painful to listen to, with such stilted and awkward dialogue. It improved after that, but never really reached the quality of later X-Men offerings. The new show, though it extends the continuity of the old one, is probably the best animated series Marvel's put out to date.

As for who would win in this: If things get really down and dirty, my money's on Wolvie. "I heal real fast, Bub!" I don't recall Boba ever packing a restraining device among his gear, and that's the only thing that I can think of that would turn things in his favor.

H.H.HORSEFEATHERS at 88 mph said...

If somebody put a cross material on W's 'knives' that fused them together would it slow him down? Put some of his and Hulk's blood in a person and it could be interesting to see how they would affect each other.

Detective Tobor said...

Not too surprising... Marvel just had a Spidy book with a cover of Mickey and the gang doing a reprise of FF #1. Star Wars & Marvel on 1 cover?? Now? That's a win-win. Next, The Muppets and Mickey will do a large cameo with the new story going on before the Republic's problems...doing a band number.

Anonymous said...

Most anal-retentives would not be able to suppress the urge to ask: "How the heck did Logan wind up in the Galaxy Far, Far Away?"

My guess: he was supposed to go to Chandilar (throne world of the Shi'ar Empire). Only to wind up on Chandrila in the New Republic!

Not the first time passengers have been separated from their luggage by slight misspellings and/or mispronunciations.

Bob Greenwade said...

@Anon@8:52: I interpreted this the other way around: Fett in the contemporary Milky Way. Either way, though, I think any time-related shifts can be attributed to the Time Trapper unless specified otherwise.

Carycomic said...

I thought Ross blamed all that on Bat-Mite and Impossible Man.

HORSEFEATHERS, H. H. wishing on a star said...

Fairy Godmother and Bamf would be the ones to indulge Wolverine in a little getaway.

Anonymous said...

In retaliation for which, Boba Fett would fracture their faerie tails.

Carycomic said...

@Anon808: Boba would more likely have his Fett handed to him by the rest of the Improbables.

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