Monday, June 3, 2024

The Thing and Donald Duck


These are two of my all time favorite characters. they are both loveable, funny guys who sometimes let their tempers get the best of them. I can only imagine the antics they would get up to if they shared an adventure together.


Anonymous said...

Maybe a Sergio Aragon’s character could be teamed up with a character from One Piece.

Carycomic said...

It's a hilarious cover, Ross. A great way to star the new work week! So, I obviously don't have to ask if you got a good night's sleep, last night. Thanks for sharing this with us this lovely Monday morning.


Carycomic said...

I feel like a first-time tournament golfer. I had a great start. But, I didn't make it to the second "t".

Davejonz said...

Well, here's another nice team-up you've gotten me into,, Ross.

Anonymous said...

Lol! Good one, Dave!

Jared Mello said...

GREAT cover, Ross; but I HAVE to ask....where in the world did you find that picture of the Thing? It's so PERFECTLY "cartoonish" that it works well with Donald Duck; but I don't think I've ever seen him drawn like that before!

Nice work; Ross.

Ross said...

Sergio Aragones Massacres Marvel (1996)

Bob Greenwade said...

I don't think many artists besides Sergio could have drawn a figure of Ben Grimm that would fit so well with Donald Duck.

Looking through Donald's history on this blog, I have a couple of thoughts:

1. Could he be recruited into the Red Lanterns?

2. One of his aliases is the Duck Avenger; I could add him to my perennially-desired team that includes Captain Avenger, the Crimson Avenger, and the Toxic Avenger. (I'm still not sure what to call that team, though....)

Jared Mello said...

@Bob: How about "Those OTHER Avengers"?

Anonymous said...

Or Multiplex vs. Multi-Man of the Impossibles?

Anonymous said...

When did DC Comics publish this? I don't remember them having the rights to print Disney Comics. They only used The Thing for a few crossovers with DC characters.

Detective Tobor said...

@Bob, howz about Avengers Anonymous!! What?, Another AA meeting?

Ross, too bad you couldn't use Benny the Cab with Donald in meeting Ben G.!

Would have loved to see an accident report be done on this.

Hey, just wondered..are Ben's teeth altered? Can he get a tooth ache?? Hate to be his dentist!!

Detective Tobor said...

@Anon 12:46, Ross uses that mass head for all the characters so that it has a consistent base. This combo had nothing to do with DC otherwise.

Ken Roskos said...

(Ben) "Listen feather-head: we may live under the same 'corporate roof', but dat doesn't mean we're buddies! Besides, we had enough of that other duck from Cleveland."

Anonymous said...

In furtherance of what Tobor said? That particular image of Donald could just as easily have come from one-time Dell subsidiary Gold Key. Which, at one time, also had licensing rights to Warner Brothers and DePatie-Freleng cartoon characters.

Carycomic said...

@Bob and Jared: Avengers Light?

Carycomic said...

Or, failing that, Mickey Mouse leading the TMNT's into battle!

Anonymous said...

How about Throg vs. Savage Dragon, instead?

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