Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Justice League of America Vs. Apocalypse (Round 2)


That is a pretty formidable line up of Horsemen, even for Apocalypse.  Let's hope that the element of surprise is enough to help J'onn J'onzz turn the tide - at least until reinforcements arrive.  The JLA first face Apocalypse in STF #1664...


Anonymous said...

Wow…spectacular cover. Nicely done.

Carycomic said...


Equals "I am (almost) speechless."

Bob Greenwade said...

J'Onn, apparently, has this situation in hand, with a plan to free his fellow JLAers. I have no idea what it could be, but then again I understand that Superman has said that he'd never want to get into a fight with him.

Next time Apocalypse shows up, maybe he can gather Horsemen who actually ride horses. With a little help from the time Trapper, this could include the Shining Knight, Jonah Hex (future version), the original Ghost Rider, and... well... Yosemite Sam?

Kid Charlemagne said...

Since their names mean much the same thing, I was going to suggest Apocalypse vs. Doomsday.

However, I thought to check under Apocalypse's appearances, and I saw that it's already happened on this blog.

Jared Mello said...

Excellent cover today, Ross; and here's an unrelated suggestion, as always:

Have you ever considered the Great Lakes Avengers vs The Inferior Five?

Ben W said...

@Bob How about Valkyrie?

Ross said...

Jared, yes but not a lot of GLA material out there to work with.

Anonymous said...

J'onn J'onzz hardly needs to work up a sweat to deal with the rest of the JLA entirely unaided. His powers are considerable, he can read minds, and he's shown to be smarter than anyone else on the team. His real disadvantage isn't fire -- it's being criminally under-used by writers.

Anonymous said...

@Anon1219: Does JJ's shape-changing power allow him to even disguise himself as Doomsday?

Bob Buethe said...

@Anon1259: Interesting question. There was a Silver Age story in which J'onn was exposed to gold kryptonite, which (he said) permanently removed his ability to shapeshift into Kryptonians; or, at least, to duplicate Kryptonian powers. (It was in the Flash issue with the 2nd Superman/Flash race.)

But that was pre-Crisis. Gold K doesn't even have permanent effects in current continuity.

Detective Tobor said...

Speaking of not being permanent, Superman & Kong lost their calendar date on their post. May have affected the following few days of postings.

J'onn has had a weird history. In the sixties, he could go back to Mars and had a kid brother. Things have kept changing with each new universe variation. Respect for him? Top of the class. Even Wonder Woman has admitted the level of his strengths has impressed her. But i wonder if being on Earth makes him different in any way than he was on Mars?

Bob Greenwade said...

Kid C: Actually the word "apocalypse" doesn't mean "doomsday." It means "revelation." We've simply come to associate "apocalypse" with doomsday because the Apocalypse of John (the final book of the Bible, which most of us know as Revelations) describes the end of the world as we know it.

Anonymous said...

@Bob Buethe: actually, because of the "Doomwatch" limited series, it's been canonically established that all previous DC multiverses (from pre-Flashpoint to Silver Age) were revived by Dr. Manhattan's bio-cosmic power.

Anonymous said...

@Detective Tobor: could Calendar Man be stealing all these Sundays? I know that was initially the running joke, among everybody else, here. But, now, I'm beginning to seriously wonder...

Bob Greenwade said...

@Ben: My first thought was Valkyrie, but (a) she's Marvel, just like Apocalypse himself, and (b) Winged Victory already covers the "winged horse" niche in the group.

Anonymous said...

How about Terra Man's flying horse, Nova?

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