Friday, June 21, 2024

Iron Man, The Question and The Terminator


Looks like I just popped images of Vic Sage and a Terminator in to create this new cover, right?  There was a bit of prep work required before I could do that.  Here is a look at the behind the scenes progress:


Shamus said...

Since I'm going through another comics hyperfixation, I've read a lot of comics since around December or January. I read a lot of Daredevil, and I now have a suggestion:

Daredevil and The Phantom Stranger. Daredevil had an enemy once called the death stalker (he was in one of the comics I read), and he looks so similar to the Phantom Stranger. I need to see them side by side, so the phantom stranger should team up with Daredevil and fight the death stalker.

Carycomic said...

Good morning, Mr. Pearsall! :-)

It looks like my suspicions surrounding STF 4416 weren't entirely unjustified. Cyberdyne is out to assimilate both Wayne Enterprises and Stark Resilient Industries. But, at whose instigation? Basil Sandhurst? He's literally out of the picture!*

So, "Eye" must confess you have me (momentarily) stumped.

*Great blending job, by the way. You've proven once again how hard you have to work behind the scenes to make things look so deceptively effortless.

Ben W said...

Why does this thing keep sending your posts back in time to the day before? It's starting to get a little unnerving.

Anonymous said...

Not sure. I’ve been experimenting with scheduled posts on the weekends since I am usually at my girlfriends place and cannot post directly from my computer, tha may be a factor

Ross said...

That anonymous was me, another hiccup from posting remotely I guess

Shamus said...

One more idea I had: Nighthawk and Blue Beetle (Ted Kord). I mean, both characters have been compared to Batman (I think?), so it'd be fun to see them together.

And even disregarding the batman thing, I can see Kyle Richmond and Ted Kord getting along pretty well.

Detective Tobor said...

Your computer problem also erases the date from the posting before. It's not closing the prior posting completely then i would guess. Some coincidence when dealing with problems of a computer nature.

Vic and Tony might not get along all that well. But Vic might hit on things that Tony never considered.

Wild Card said...

Batman had his satellite turn into Brother Eye in Infinite Crisis. So not surprised that Stark's satellite turned into Skynet as a parallel.

Anonymous said...

Whar Wild Card said.

Anonymous said...

@Ross and Det. Tobor: maybe the Calendar Man really is up to no good, here. Signed: the real Anonymous

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