Monday, February 3, 2025

Thunderbird and Booster Gold


Thunderbird had a great look (designed by Dave Cockrum, so no big surprise there), and it was too bad to see his time on the X-Men cut so short.  I think his gruff attitude was too close to that of Logan and they didn't want two loose cannons on the team.  It would have been interesting to see what would have happened if he had been kept around.


Jason Toddman said...

Being told by a total stranger "You were never meant to die today." when there is so far no sign that such a thing is going to happen would put even a laid-back guy like me on edge. Thunderbird? I cannot imagine him taking that line in the way Booster meant it and giving Booster time to explain himself.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Booster Gold could meet the Jetsons(2017) after meeting the Flintstones.

Carycomic said...

I'm with you, Ross. It would've been especially interesting to see how he interacted with Alpha Flight's resident Sarcee shaman, Michael Twoyoungmen.

Anonymous said...

Thunderbird is back in the X-Men after his resurrection in the Krakoa Age. He will be co starring with Wolverine and Cable in an uncoming book.

Carycomic said...

"Uncoming"?! Does that mean it's never getting published?*

*A la Red Anvil's WAR OF THE INDEPENDENTS #5 AND #6?

Detective Tobor said...

Thunderbird IS GO!! Especially, being Booster charged!!

me said...

When I bought the initial issue of new X-Men my first thought was "this guy is going to die - then need to kill one to prove it is dangerous: and when I started reading it I knew I was right.

He is special but nothing special with his abilities. Evidently he is getting a second chance.

Anonymous said...

If Marvel can bring Thunderbird back from the dead after more-or-less forty years, they can certainly find a way to reuse Jason "American Eagle" Strongbow who's still technically alive. Just inactive since that Phoenix Force contest, three years, or so, ago.

Anonymous said...

Weapon X-Men

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