Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Ragman and Morbius


Whatever type of situation that would call for an alliance between these two would certainly make for a moody tale. Let's hope that this fragile truce holds long enough for them to reach their goal.


Carycomic said...

Well, if this is Ragman during his early days as Rory Regan, Metropolis second-hand storekeeper, then perhaps Morbius is after whoever tried to pawn something of sentimental value that had been stolen from Martine Morbius in a rather violent mugging.

Carycomic said...

Oh, come on, folks. My hypothesis wasn't THAT farfetched!

Detective Tobor said...

As i said before, Carycomic might be right ....or, Morbius might have need of some of the souls that Ragman carries.

Detective Tobor said...

The other question is what is Ragman to get from Morbius??

Anonymous said...

Wow. What a brilliant pairing. I’d buy this right now…

Carycomic said...

As would I. In answer to Tobor's 2nd question, however, I would wildly guess...access to the Empathoid. That alien android caused the extinction of the race that built it through piecemeal emotional exhaustion! And I don't recall hearing it mentioned as being salvaged from the destruction of the Baxter Building (which, at least on mainstream Marvel Earth, preceded/necessitated the building of Four Freedoms Plaza).

Carycomic said...

P.S.---my bad! Rory lives in Gotham City, not Metropolis. That's Black Lightning's home turf. Or, at least, that was the initial case during the Late Silver Age!

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