Thursday, May 30, 2024

Robo Force in: "Under Siege!"


This marks the ninth appearance of Robo Force on this blog, and this cover required a little prep work before adding in the images of our heroes in peril.  There was some background repair and extension required, as well as cleaning up the coloring since I couldn't find a crisp digital image of this splash page.  Here's a look at the behind the scenes progress:


Crazy Ivan said...

They should save Machine Man. The other two can definitely take care of themselves.

Carycomic said...

Maybe Machine Man can have Artoo-Detoo touch base with one of those Sir Arthur Clarke pylon thingies, via the Force, to teleport them to safety aboard RF-1 (or whatever they call their main transport craft).

me said...

Some days the work you do astound me.

Bob Greenwade said...

Very nice work, Ross, even just looking at the end result and not considering the extra work involved.

And it's nice seeing this team back together. It's one of our favorites.

@Cary: Droids can't use the Force.

Carycomic said...

According to "Legend," they can. The Iron Knights were droids powered by Force-sensitive sentient crystalline life forms--called Shards-- from the planet Orax. And, if Darth Andeddu can go from pure Legend to now-canonical fact, so can they.

Detective Tobor said...

Nice work load, and without an assistant.

Can Skeet time travel? Get them thru time. Go for the 'most delicate' first.

Wolfhammer said...

Send in G.I. Robot to save the day!

Davejonz said...

Just reviewed all the Robo Force entries. Great stuff. (BTW, it'd be nice to see the Data and the rest of the B team return sometime as well...)
As usual, I loved the behind the scenes look as well. A really smart use of that obscure Red Tornado image to crowbar in the rest of the team, I thought (not to mention the labour involved). Bravo!

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