Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Iron Man and Power Girl


It will be interesting to see whether Kang is written out or recast for Avengers 5 (no longer sub-titled The Kang Dynasty).  Either way, I don't expect him to have a huge role, and the film will give way to some other big bad for the MCU.  Between creative strikes and disappointing reactions to Phase Four, I'm sure Marvel is being extra cautious about their next step with their premiere team. 


Sonofjack said...

Iron Man is going down over and over again....

Anonymous said...

Any lack of success on the part of Phase 4 can probably (and legitimately) attributed to not being comic-canonical. At least with regard to introducing Kang right out of the box, instead of as Rama-Tut (as part of an FF re-intro).

Carycomic said...

I can understand Kang having a mad-on for Iron Man after the latter evidently thwarted whatever scheme he tried to hatch back @ STF #3336 (three years and one month, ago). But, what's his beef with Power Girl? Does she represent a bigger time/space anomaly than even the Golden Age Dick Grayson @ STF #1744?*

*Given the fact Kang tried to eliminate _all_ Bat-time lines @ STF #'s 2390 and 3440.

Carycomic said...

Or maybe Tony Stark was responsible for helping Wayne Enterprises develop the technology behind the robotic Bat-Knights. With Power Girl providing knowledge of pre-Crisis Kryptonian technology for the installation of PZR (Phantom Zone Ray) projectors in those robots.

Carycomic said...

One last thought: if Power Girl married Iron Man, would she change her Earthling name to "Karen Starrk"?

Anonymous said...

A better question: will there ever be a "Transformers vs Kang while going Back To The Future"?

Bob Greenwade said...

I fully disagree with Anon@9:25 (even allowing that we're talking about Phase Five, not Phase Four, and that Kang was introduced as He Who Remains). A lot that happened in the Infinity Saga and in Phase Four didn't follow the comics. It's mainly those "disappointing reactions" you cite, Ross.

And it's somewhat telling that people who saw The Marvels in digital format or on Disney+ has reactions like, "Why didn't you folks tell me that this movie was this good???"

Still, the dearth of MCU content this year stems mainly from the WGA and SAG/AFTRA strikes that lasted so long. We can look forward to things picking up next year -- though, as you say, extra-cautiously.

(I think the studio's overreacting to the poor performance of not just The Marvels but also Eternals, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, and other films. But I'll go into that aspect of things some other time.)

About this cover, I find it quite well-done and interesting. In the lower right section, that looks like Tony's first or second armor; is that, likewise, Power girl from an early appearance in Infinity, Inc.?

Ross said...

She had that look in JLE for a while.

Anonymous said...

@Bob Greenwade: so "...Quantumania" was Phase 5, rather than Phase 4? Then, the box-office floppiness of that movie is worse than I thought! Which is all the more reason MF should've gone with re-introducing the FF by introducing Kang as Rama-Tut.

Ben W said...

Interesting idea! And I like the way you implemented the multiple looks, especially for Power Girl!

Say... I don't think Power Girl has ever met Power Princess on here, has she?

Detective Tobor said...

Almost anyone can and has been Batman. Only a few have been a live Superman. Almost no one has been the live F.F. more than once. Live Spider-Man is still gold.
Avengers were the guys that got too old for their parts, but are still wanted...but
the younger selves.
Kang could change his appearance a few times in the movie just to show how easily he could.
Iron Man vs Power Girl ... Kang would just keep them hurting each other, no winner.
Things to be aware of...

Anonymous said...

She hasn’t met Power Rangers either! Isaac

Carycomic said...

Probably never will, either. Someone told me at work, yesterday, that their American publisher (Boom! Studios, I think) has cancelled their comic book after an approximately eight year run.

Carycomic said...

That being said, how about Power Princess getting to meet Silver Age Fly Man and ex-Silver Age Teen Titan Wonder Girl and telling them:

"Donna Troy? This is your biological father, Thomas. And I'm...your mother!"

Naturally, I humbly request it (with crossed fingers) for posting on Mother's Day.

Bob Greenwade said...

Want a good Mother's Day cover? Use the most impressive mothers that each of the Big Two have to offer: Sue Richards and Hippolyta.

The preceding day being my birthday, that would be an appropriate for Ambush Bug to team up with Photon... or for the Warner Siblings to declare the (Animated Series) Joker as their "Special Friend for the day."

Carycomic said...

Now, those three would _definitely_ drive the Joker out of what's left of his gourd.

Carycomic said...

On the subject of whether or not Kang should be make a second appearance in the MCU as his prequel self, Pharaoh Rama-Tut? Given all of Jonathan Majors' current legal troubles, that might be a good idea.
At least until he meets a mon-Luthorized Dr. Doom!

Bob Greenwade said...

@Cary: Disney fired Jonathan when the guilty verdict came in. There are many possibilities for recasting the character, though; my own preference runs toward John Boyega.

Anonymous said...

That would be "Finn" by me!--Cary.

Anonymous said...

[Whereupon, Bob posts face-palming selfie in top right corner of his next reply.]

Anonymous said...

We have to someday see Iron Man vs The Mandarin. He’s the greatest Iron Man villain. Mandarin and Doom vs Iron Man and …?

Anonymous said...

...and E-Man (formerly of Charlton Comics)?

Carycomic said...

@Anon1012: your namesake @ 7:07 was referring to the next Iron Man sequel from Marvel Films. Personally, I think any canonical debut by Dr. Doom, in that cinematic universe, should initially be a sneaky epilogue during the end credits.* With a feature-length appearance being saved for the next FF reboot.

*I believe the current slang term is "Easter egg."

Carycomic said...

@Bob Greenwade: I also think that Marvel Films _not_ debuting Kang as Pharaoh Rama-Tut is what contributed to A&TW:QUANTUMANIA not succeeding at the box office.

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