Friday, May 24, 2024

Hawk & Dove Vs. Doctor Doom


It's a good thing that these two are working together because taking on Doom on his own turf is no simple feat.  Let's hope they have and ace up their sleeve.


Carycomic said...

The only person I know to invade Doom's castle, all by his lonesome, was Luke Cage. And it wasn't to wish the doc a sweet Xmas!

Fortunately, Doom was in one of his better moods, and just paid the outstanding bill his "administrative assistant" had accrued in Latveria's name.

Alex Johnson said...

They are toast

simon said...

yup i think Alex is right, They are Toast, ( unless it’s a Doombot…)

Bob Greenwade said...

If they're lucky, H&D broke in while Doom was still reeling from his encounter with Bugs Bunny, and/or the Dynamic Duck Duo.

Y'know... if you can find a fitting image, the DDD could be a good pair to go up against Duck Vader. They could even reveal his true identity as Anakin Skywaddler!

Detective Tobor said...

Considering those Doom has gone against, a couple of supernatural beings may not be that big a deal to him that knows spells.
If Hawk and Dove take on Galactus i'd be interested in that!

Detective Tobor said...

By the way, what are Hawk & Dove going to do with Doom? Beat him up, arrest him, or kill him?

Carycomic said...

With all due respect to Bob Greenwade? H & D are probably trying to _rescue_ the Dynamic Duck Duo! Given the notoriously unpredictable reliability of ray guns made by Acme.

Bob Greenwade said...

@Cary: Even better! Then H&D teaming up with DW will have a decent chance of escaping, despite having Duck Dodgers in tow.

Carycomic said...

Bingo! :-)

Anonymous said...

@Cary and Bob: especially if Doc Doom made the mistake of confiscating Dodger's ray gun...and putting it in his own holster!

Bob Greenwade said...

@Anon@3:16: If that were to happen in an actual comic, it would instantly gain classic status right alongside the time Doom was brought down by Squirrel Girl.

Anonymous said...

Which raises an interesting question: has Squirrel Girl ever teamed up with GL Ch'p, here in the Rossverse?

Carycomic said...

See STF #644 @ Jan. 17 of ten years ago.

Anonymous said...

Found it; thanks.

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