Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Green Lantern & Green Arrow and The Inhumans


It was always fun to see street level hero Oliver Queen's take on the goings on when he would get into some type of cosmic adventure with Hal Jordan or the JLA. I think a tale like the one above would provide plenty of opportunities for him to make some interesting observations.


Anonymous said...

Neal Adams artwork I assume?

Carycomic said...

Lol! Good point, Ross. In fact, I can just picture the torment on Blackbolt's face as he tried (with gradually increasing difficulty) to keep his mouth shut--so as not to retort--during one of Ollie's high-horse tirades.

Detective Tobor said...

Looks like Neal is not on this cover, but Dick G is. The art meshes on all levels.

Blackbolt might find it interesting that a 'normal' would spend so much energy and concern on Inhumans and their ways of living, especially away from 'normals'.
Hal, of course, would feel right at home with beings with all kinds of abilities.

Bigby65 said...

No Lockjaw? 😟

Bob Greenwade said...

Some of our favorite characters, regardless of medium, are the ones "who say what the audience is thinking." If Oliver were to spend the adventure pointing out the absurdity of the goings-on (as well as contributing appropriate trick arrows), that alone would make this story a fun read.

@Cary: Bolt could easily enough retort using his personal sign language through one of the other Inhumans.

Don Secrease said...

Another great cover, Ross.
And when you show us the steps you take, I'm fascinated.
I also enjoy reading ideas and suggestions from the comments.
A great pastime is going thru random characters/titles on your list...
but I've noticed there aren't many Charlton characters.
How about a Peacemaker/War Machine or a Fighting' 5/
Blackhawk or a Sarge Steel/Jonny Double?

Ross said...

I think one of those pairings is in the pipeline.

Carycomic said...

@Bob: That's assuming the sign language was deemed politically correct for translation by Medusa (BB's usual interpreter). Lol!

Carycomic said...

Plus, most of GA's trick arrows would probably get karate chopped in half, mid-flight, by Karnak. A la David Carradine during one of those spear-throwing flashbacks from the opening credits of KUNG FU: TOS!

Paul Green said...

WOW! Ross, you created another masterpiece! I would not expect GL/GA team to mesh so well with the Inhumans! Yet GL fits right in with Black Bolt, and GA seems at home going into action with the ones on the ground! A natural fit!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of natural fits, Ross: today's cover and yesterday's cover inspired me to do a little digging. It's been 3,574 issues since GA & the Punisher have worked together! Don't you think that makes them long-overdue for a reunion?

Wolfhammer said...

The mighty Green Arrow leading the way! Nice one.

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