Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Green Lantern and Captain America in "Picking a Bone with Al Capone"

I haven't even seen Captain America: The Winter Soldier yet, and I have already seen images of Chris Evans in costume for Cap's follow up appearance in Avengers: Age of Ultron.  The shots are blurry and from a distance, but from what I can see, it is my favorite look yet - a good blending of the suit from the first film and the more modern one shown in commercials for the current movie.  Best of all, they fixed the wonky helmet from the first Avengers film - no more covered up ears!

These two first met in STF #372


Mike Sawin said...

The craftwork on this one is GREAT, Ross.

Ross said...


Bob Buethe said...

I agree with Mike. How about a Silver Age follow-up with Gil Kane artwork?

Ross said...

Issue #372, posted about a year ago has a more current pairing between the two. Gil Kane would be cool though.

Anonymous said...

Mart Nodell (the creator of Alan Scott) used to come to the Motor City Comic Con every year before he died. One year I bought a print with both of these two on it, so this is pretty cool for me top see.

Zoinks Graphics said...

Nicely done as always. Except... The dock post shadows are facing TOWARDS the sun/moon light source. And none of the characters are throwing shadows!

Ross said...

Also Zoinks - Power rings and super soldiers aren't real! This cover makes no sense!

Zoinks Graphics said...

Ross, they're not?? I was just reviewing it from a Virgo artist's perspective, and you had to go pull the whole rug out on the suspension of disbelief. LOL

Nit-picky shadows aside (or behind), your blending images from so many different sources is nothing short of miraculous!

Ross said...

Thanks... and hey ,who's to say there isn't a bright light off panel that is messing with the shadows... that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the "shadows" were actually Jade and Obsidian arriving from a parallel-Earth in an attempt to warn their father's counterpart about a mysterious menace called...The Revisionary!

"He's going to prevent our birth by rewriting you as a non-neterosexual!"

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