Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Falcon and Vixen


Their earliest looks might not have stuck around for long, but these two were heroes from the start.  It might be fun to read a tale of them meeting up just as both of their heroic careers were beginning.


Anonymous said...

Nice idea and a great team-up.

Carycomic said...

I agree with Anon729. The Falcon was certainly still wearing this green-and-gold outfit when he helped Cap against a giant robot called "Bulldozer" (constructed by A.I.M. on M.O.D.O.K.'s orders) in a story that I first read as a barber shop back issue. But, you know what would really reinforce the nostalgia you've so effectively captured here? A sequel where Falc has been recounting this story to Cap, WW, Vixen, and Hercules...while introducing them to his fiance!

Who would that fiance be? Personally, I nominate Greer "Tigra" Grant. Let others commence posting their votes!

Anonymous said...

Nah! It should be someone from DC or an indie character (as part of Ross' counterpoint format). So, I nominate...Kendra "Hawkgirl" Saunders!

Anonymous said...

Don’t make John Stewart jealous! ;-) Isaac

Detective Tobor said...

Sam Wilson had a lot on his mind in the early days. He has had a lot of developments since then. No need to rush him a mate, check!

Carycomic said...

Lol! When you said "developments," I suddenly had a mental image of Jade and Obsidian playing tug-of-war with Falc the same way Batgirl and Wonder Woman did with Batman during their initial fight with Copperhead.

Anonymous said...

@Det. Tobor: hey, that's a great idea! Fix up Sam with with Beatriz da Costa aka Green Fire (Knight of Checkmate).

Anonymous said...

I think the Falcon should visit South Africa's modern day culture next with their speedster hero Impala in tow. They are both black male crimefighters who have similar skimpy costume styles & no over lapping powers so maybe the Vulture & M. Mallah are causing some trouble over there for them.

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