Monday, August 19, 2024

Magnus Vs. The Terminator in: "Rage Against the Machines!"

Magnus first faced off against The Terminators in STF #1882, and I felt that a confrontation this epic was worthy of a follow up tale.  

First Prey for Predator and (from the reviews I have read) now Alien: Romulus,  have brought worthy sequels back to long-running franchises after a series of misfires.  Can The Terminator hope for the same - or has too much damage already been done?


Anonymous said...

Maybe Magnus vs. Rosie the robot from The Jetsons (2017).

Anonymous said...

I always like seeing Magnus again. Nice job…

Carycomic said...

I just saw "Alien: Romulus" this past Saturday. It was definitely better than "Alien: Covenant" in terms of NOT killing off the female protagonist! And her regarding the android as a foster brother was refreshingly touching. That, plus the under-lighting during the salvage scene at the beginning (where you see only three certain letters most commonly associated with a certain Space Knight) provided a suitable plot twist half-way through.

Shamus said...

On the one hand, I like robots, a lot. So a robot fighter doesn't sound great. But also: isn't the Terminator evil or something? I haven't seen the movies. But either way, I don't know who to root for here.

Shamus said...

But you know what I want to see? Daimon Hellstrom and The Phantom Stranger! Those two would make an excellent team.

Shamus said...

Also, perhaps we should do something with Satana, the succubus sister of Hellstrom.

Anonymous said...

Why not Witchfire (from Alpha Flight) vs. Witchfire (from DC's Power Company)?

Detective Tobor said...

Magnus is human..maybe working with the Karate Kid? I saw something. Suppose they do a movie 'blending' Ghostbusters with Men in Black? They are both owned by Columbia.

Alec Semicognito said...

Magnus and Johnny Sokko.

Anonymous said...

Johnny Sokko is merely a human kid who _pilots_ a giant robot. To make it a somewhat fairer fight, I'd suggest Bozo the Iron Man. A more human-sized robot from the Golden Age of Comics! Perhaps usurped by either Degaton or Kang the Conqueror.

Anonymous said...

Well, the Terminator can always go back in time and fix his mistakes.

Carycomic said...

On a lighter note: how about Magnus vs. Torgo?

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