Saturday, August 31, 2024

Jimmy Olsen and Doctor Strange


We saw Doctor Strange's frustration working with Peter Parker in Spider-Man: No Way Home, and I think there would be similar friction if he had to team up with Jimmy Olsen as well. Jimmy is no fool, but he does seem to be a magnet for chaos.  This could be an entertaining story to read.


Anonymous said...

Crisis of infinite olsens all the altered versions of Jimmy plus add new ones like spider Jimmy Green lantern olsen zombie olsen big brain olsen

Davejonz said...

This combination of characters and images REALLY works well. As you shift from goofy goldfish bowl Jimmy to despairing Strange, you really get a sense of what the Doc is feeling - and why. This story is teed up and ready to roll!
I'd love to see a multiversal follow-up or two to this later on. How about a desperate Jimmy using his wristwatch to call a friend - and getting someone totally unexpected from the Multiverse ?

Anonymous said...

I would love a series where Jimmy Olsen team-up’s his way through the Marvel Universe!

simon said...

will it be the Turtle boy that saves the day or the red headed league…

Shamus said...

I think Doctor Strange has so many good team ups, because there's so many magical characters. Zatara, Sargon the Sorcerer, Ibis the Invincible, etc.

Shamus said...

Also, Thor and Isis would be a cool team up!

Jared Mello said...

Now THIS is hilarious! I can just imagine how frustrating this adventure would be for Dr. Strange; and I agree that Jimmy is a Weirdness Magnet! Brilliant idea as always. Ross!

emsley wyatt said...

Nothing Jimmy can't handle with a dose of elastic serum.

emsley wyatt said...

Notice you've never paired Jimmy with Reed Richards. Seems a natural.

Carycomic said...

LOL! In this case, it looks like Jimmy mishandled the extra-dimensional tech of Shade the Changing Man (pre-COIE Ditko version).

Carycomic said...

That's because Reed is too smart to let Jimmy anywhere near the Expansion Team.

Carycomic said...

"Why did it have to be Jimmy?"

Could be worse, Doc. It could've been the Silver Age version with the seasick-green suit and black bow tie!

Ken Roskos said...

This is a good winning streak Ross! The Sorcerer's Apprentice Menace. Once again, the Master gets stuck with the guy who can't keep out of trouble. Next, maybe have Odin forced to deal with someone like Pip the Troll?

Bob Greenwade said...

Yes, it could've been worse. It could've been the Tick.

Glenn said...

Does this mean Jimmy will get a magic ring to summon Doctor Strange like he has a watch to summon Superman?

Ben W said...

Heh, nice one! Reminds me of Jimmy's recent role in the pages of World's Finest!

Anonymous said...

Count your blessings Doc. It could have been Jughead or Reggie Mantle or Bill the Cat, or Ensign Boimier, or Limpid Lizard, or Chris Griffin, or Beevis and Bu............

Carycomic said...

Like maybe Pete Ross from Earth-Amalgam as Capt. Spider-verse?

Carycomic said...

With Jimmy's luck, it would probably turn him into a doppleganger of Ben Grimm as the Thing for the rest of all time.

"Help me, Doc. This Thing Ring won't undo its thing!"

Anonymous said...

Maybe Jimmy can get his revenge on Dr. Strange's disrespect here by revealing on a future cover that he was the one responsible for kicking Clea out of the original Handbook of the Marvel Universe. Take that Defender boy...

Carycomic said...

Cloud, too.

Detective Tobor said...

Is Strange wondering why Olsen is the patsy that gets pushed in the fryer all the time, OR..., how much of a mess will Jimmy make (like Peter)?
In ch 2, Jimmy might team with Jughead.....then, in Ch. 3, Jimmy gets his serum to be E. Lad then teams with Parker!! possibilities galore!

Anonymous said...

Because Mr Olsen's other title is Mr Action! That's why he's often in the fracas.

Carycomic said...

And one of these days he might get fracasseed!

Carycomic said...

On a lighter note, Ross, how about a feud between Lou Eckler and Hannibal Bates? You could call it "War of the Everymen".

Carycomic said...

That first name is not a grammatical mistake. I'm picturing the deceased Larry Eckler being quasi-impersonated by Lou "the Dead Ringer" Dexter!

Reg Aubry said...

Very interesting number! We hit 7.8 billion in 2020 - is that when this story takes place? (We're currently at 8.175b - we hit 8 billion around November 15, 2022)(When I was a kid reading comics, the world population was just over 3 billion!)

Ross said...

I looked it up when I made the cover and that was the number I got.

Carycomic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

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