Monday, August 26, 2024

Deadman Vs. Aliens


Could Boston Brand possess a Xenomorph? I'm not sure what the results would be, but it would be an interesting situation to watch play itself out.  Especially when it looks like he intends to go after the big momma.


Carycomic said...

"Queen For A Day"

LOL! Love that title. :-)

Carycomic said...

P.S.---how about Sam "The Falcon" Wilson someday meeting his OSS namesake from DC's G.I. COMBAT?

Anonymous said...

This might be your best story idea yet Ross! I want to read this comic, have nightmares about it, and read it again tomorrow morning.

Shamus said...

Deadman possessing Man-Thing, maybe? That sounds like a fun story. For once, Man-Thing would have a mind, albeit one not his own.

Anonymous said...

I like the way you think, Shamus. :-)

Marc H said...

"Queen For A Day." I thought just about everyone forgot about that show. What next? Boston entering Peter Parker in "What's My Line?"

Anonymous said...

Interesting concept. I like it. Hey, how about a Jade/Crystal matchup at some point??

Marc H said...

Continuing on a theme... The Question in "You Asked For It!".

Bob Greenwade said...

If you really want to pull Boston out of his comfort zone, put him together with someone like Stripperella.

Anonymous said...

"I've Got A Secret" might be more appropriate.

Anonymous said...

Or the Martian Manhunter and Capt. Ultra on "Match Game."

Anonymous said...


simon said...

i’m in wonder at the artistic quality of this one !
it’s a very interesting idea, but will he find it impossible to affect a Hive mind ?

Detective Tobor said...

echos of the ghost of Christmas present!!

Detective Tobor said...

i'm just glad you didn't reign Boston in!!

Anonymous said...

Could Deadman possess the Borg Queen with their hive mind? I also second the Deadman/ Man Thing team up. A Machine Man/Deadman team up would also be interesting as a Rom/Deadman team up. Could he possess Karma from the New Mutants & how would that change things for her/them?

Carycomic said...

A much more interesting team-up would be Deadman and Dead Girl (from X-Statix). Mike Allred's artwork always strikes as jointly inspired by Steve Ditko and Jack Kirby!

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