Thursday, November 23, 2023

Fantastic Four and The Spectre in: "Ghost Intervention!"


I hope all who celebrate have a great Thanksgiving today, and those visiting STF: The Lost Issues from outside of the US have a great Thursday!

The Spectre has encountered The Fantastic Four previously on this blog.  He passed judgment on Reed Richards in STF #3721, and shared and adventure with the team in The Negative Zone in STF #1046...


Mickey said...

I’ve always loved Specter and the FF. Your pairings make me feel that they would encounter each other frequently if they were in the same universe. Thank you as always for what you do, Ross.

Happy Thanksgiving Day to all. I’m looking forward to my turkey dinner later on.

Detective Tobor said...

The cover design is very impressive, Ross. There is something about the planets being there that gives it more dynamics. Then ,Spectre, looking transparent like Space Ghost just completes the mood. Well done.

Have a Happy Gobbler's day, even if you're on a diet plan.

Detective Tobor said...

Did you ever pair Spectre with Space Ghost?

Ross said...

Thanks, Tobor - I had to find a new background plus a image of reed from the back before I could add in the Spectre.

Haven't paired him with SG yet.

Ben W said...

Heh, the way the Spectre's phrase started, I almost read it in Smokey Bear's voice!

Ben W said...

D'oh! Watcher, not Spectre! Sorry about that. And Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!

Carycomic said...

Lol! No more for you, Ben. Not if you're driving, today! ;-)

@Ross: thank you for giving us another year's worth of memorable covers. And whatever makes Uatu break his renewed oath of non-interference is always _memorably_ dangerous!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. :-)

Jack_Acid said...

Happy Thanksgiving. Really great cover today. Nice art mix. The deep set eyes on Uatu nicely match The Spectre, and the floating platform uncovered in space adds to the weirdness of awkward stiffness of the green and white embodiment of the Wrath of God.

simon said...

it’s not just a Thursday it’s the sixtieth anniversary of the showing of the first episode of Doctor Who ( i watched it on the day ! )
is it my imagination that dc never really have decided on how much power the spectre has but i’m certain Reed will reel him in.

Bob Greenwade said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Ross, and all other US fellows.

And of course Happy Thursday to all others.

The Watcher is one of those characters who regularly address the reader, though I'm not sure whether he's ever done that in a story where he also speaks to other characters in the story (the TV series notwithstanding).

There does seem to be a good set of characters who break that fourth wall: I think the Phantom Stranger's been known to do it, plus Cain & Abel, She-Hulk, Deadpool, Ambush Bug, and probably a few non-Big Two characters. Maybe we could get a group of such some time?

@simon: Happy Whomas!

Ross said...

I hope everyone is full and ready for an afternoon nap and/or watching football right now.

Bob, I do have an Idea in mind for a team like that.

Hyram H. Horsefeathers in the spirit said...

Have a day of memories even if the food is forgettable.
Ya have daughters of darkness so do ya have a group of different ghosts and spirits?

Ross said...

Yes, The Graveyard Shift and The Damned

Anonymous said...

@Ross: whatever you name them, please make it more impressive than "The 4th Wallflowers."


Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

I hope the Spectre doesn't give the FF too hard a time. He can be such a holier-than-thou turkey!

Here's hoping you and your family had a happy Thanksgiving. :-)

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