Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Spider-Man Vs. The Joker in: "Who's Laughing Now?"


I thought that I would do a follow up to the first Spidey/Joker back in STF #3917.  I wondered there how The Joker would react to a hero that's even better at wisecracking than he is.  Well, maybe he would lean into it and try to make a protégé out of Peter... which leads us to this cover.


Detective Tobor said...

A NEW TWIST!!!!!!!!! Joker could try this. Those toxins with the radioactive spider bite?
Even Green Goblin wouldn't try it like this. What a story potential.

Carycomic said...

As I recall, from that "Batman Beyond" movie, the Joker didn't like being out-quipped at all. Especially when he was the one being laughed at!

Makes me wonder what would happen if Batman was ever at Princess Python's "mercy"?

Bob Greenwade said...

Cary has a point, about Joker not liking being out-quipped. He'd develop a quick obsession with Spidey, and I'm sure this would be one of the things he'd try with him. He probably would also make use of the Sinister Six, and might even "turn" Wilson Fisk -- and that thought by itself is pretty scary.

That last part probably could be explored on this blog, but what would one name an Amalgamated Joker/Kingpin character? "Punch"?

Anonymous said...

"Rigoletto" might be more fitting.

Anonymous said...

And Ross could tack it on to an image of Luthor-as-the-Joker from the Superman-as-Batman Elseworlds Annual called "Speeding Bullets" (copyright 1993).

Anonymous said...

A quick Wed search indicates he was on Earth 1 pre-Crisis and more recent on Earth-zero (current continuity).

Anonymous said...

Yeah! But, he has yet to debut on Earth-STF. ;-)

me said...

The sequel should be Spiderman and Terry McGinnis Batman both known for the wise cracking. Terry defeated including the resurrected Joker using wise cracks.

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