Saturday, March 26, 2022

Black Lightning Vs. Doctor Doom


Doctor Doom is going to be a tough role to fill effectively for the MCU.  He's sure to be a major player, and is a monarch as well as a brilliant scientist, so a commanding presence is necessary.  Then again, they'll need an actor that doesn't mind having their face obscured for most if not all of his screen time.  Between the armor, the outfit and the attitude, Doom is one of the trickier villains to bring to live action, but I have faith the next version will be an improvement upon what has come before.


Hyram H Horsefeathers in time said...

Doom ain't gonna be an easy Vic to piercing the castle by Jefferson or Ororo. Now Ororo, Jefferson, and B Batson together might make some sweet music. Say could Bill and Ted go back before the built castle then carry someone forward in time from within the castle walls?

Lisandro Gaertner said...

There is great actor to play this role who has proved to work well using masks: Hugo Weaving.

Anonymous said...

Or maybe Julian McMahon over-dubbed by Hugo Weaving. After all, it's just generally assumed that that was Mr. Weaving's body as well as voice in "V For Vendetta." There might be other movie-goers (besides me) who might be half-convinced that it was simply the old "Jones & Prowse" trick updated with higher-tech special effects.

Carycomic said...

Consider me among the first half...who are convinced it was 100% Weaving. Or is that "Woven?"

Bob Greenwade said...

I don't think Hugo Weaving will be returning to the MCU any time soon; apparently he had such a bad experience in Captain America: The First Avenger that Ross Marquand took over the role of the Red Skull completely. Rather, I think that the actor would be someone who's come out of professional wrestling, and shown some decent dramatic ability; Edge would be my choice, and John Cena or Dwayne Johnson would also be worthwhile. (As for being "an improvement upon what has come before," they could do that much casting The Situation.)

emsley wyatt said...

Not just a good pairing, but good art as well.

Ken said...

If they go the John Byrne route (a small facial scar and colossal vanity) then whoever they cast for Doom can take off the mask as much as Robert Downey Jr did.

Green Luthor said...

Byrne didn't really go the "small facial scar" route (which was apparently first suggested by Kirby). Under Byrne, the experiment that got him kicked out of college left him with a small scar (whereas previously it was a more disfiguring accident). But in both versions, when his armor was forged, he pressed the still-red-hot mask against his face (in both cases figuring that his face was already "ruined"), leaving him hideously scarred.

Basically, the difference is how bad his face was damaged before the mask; Byrne went with "Doom is so vain he purposely destroyed his face because it was no longer flawless", but his face was still heavily scarred.

As for who could play Doom... Mads Mikkelson would have been a great choice, but they already kinda wasted him in Doctor Strange, so it's not likely they'd bring him back. Which is unfortunate, because he really could have nailed the character, I think. (But at the time, it wasn't like Marvel could have known Disney would buy Fox, and they'd then be able to use Doom.)

Anonymous said...

I see you've never done Worf & Chewbacca or King Kong & Planet of the Apes.

Anonymous said...

@my namesake: King Kong/POTA has already been done in the real world.

Anonymous said...

P.S. @ my namesake: maybe Worf could meet Swamp Thing in a sequel to "Space-Seeded."

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