Thursday, March 21, 2019

Justice Society of America and Captain America in: "Zapped... By Zeus!"

There are a lot of question marks in my mind regarding the upcoming Wonder Woman 1984.  Reports are that is is not to be considered a sequel, but simply another adventure like the James Bond franchise, although I'm not sure exactly what the distinction is there,  Then there's the question of how Steve Trevor is still around decades after his apparent death.  There have also been rumors regarding rewrites and reshoots to either alter the role of Kristin Wiig's Cheetah or to give the DCEU a soft reboot.  Sounds a bit all over the place, hopefully the final product will be a cohesive hit.

Cap first met the JSA in STF #290, and this marks the 22nd appearance of the WW/Cap romance on the blog...


det_Tobor said...

I haven't laughed that much in a while. WW's new origin would certainly make some changes to past canon.

I have wondered about the idea that Zeus & CO. could be aliens from another universe. That's why their type of energy could affect Superman so easily. To that end, he might not be able to go to bed with Diana because the two different types of energies might not be compatible. It might make one heck of an explosion!

det_Tobor said...

Ross, how about Mister Mxyzptlk playing 4th dimensioal chess/ checkers with The Impossible Man with the heroes held. in stasis around them? The stakes could be who the next set of victims of pranks would be.

Bob Greenwade said...

WW84 wouldn't be the first time a movie went through that much turmoil only to come out as an artistic and commercial success. The Wizard of Oz comes to mind as a highly notable example, though there have been a few others.

I do find it noteworthy that the WW/Cap saga is being told out of its chronological order, in large part due to the very nature of this blog. I think it might be interesting to try to arrange the tales into something of a chronological order.

I also think that an interesting entry in the saga would be Diana standing by Steve's frozen body, promising to wait for him to thaw out.

As for today's cover... I can barely imagine who Diana would have identified if the hand had been using the next finger over.

Anonymous said...

Is Cap still being impersonated by the Unknown Soldier, here, too?

Ross said...

Yeah, I pretty much make up the WW/Cap saga (and all my continuing tales) up as I go along, but it would be interesting to try to put them in chronological order and see if they make any sense!

Bob Greenwade said...

If I see my above suggestion (and, possibly, Diana helping with the thawing), I'll see if I can figure something out.

Carycomic said...

@Anonymous: Nah! The Spectre ended that plot thread in STF #2531.

Anonymous said...

@det_Tobor: I've always considered the Olympians to be the mixed-blood offspring of Durlan refugees who intermarried with the Titans of Greco-Roman mythology. The latter actually being Homo magi at the peak of their physical evolution!

Simreeve said...

@ Anonymous _
There was a LSH story in which a group of time-travelling legionnaires accidentally visited ancient Greece and found a group of Durlans impersonating the Olympians.

Anonymous said...

@Simreeve: precisely where I got half the inspiration for that belief! :-)

Brother Kellymatthew said...

Is that the finger of Fingeroth or Fingerman?

Carycomic said...

Mr. Bill: "Neither one. It's Mr. Hand! Oh, noooooooooooooooooooooo!"

Brother Kellymatthew said...

Cary Comic Have a Bill Bill Day.

det_Tobor said...

Anonymous said...@det_Tobor: I've always considered the Olympians to be...

Thank you, Anon. If Red sun child Kal-el can get a super mind & super senses under a yellow sun, then a different universe (or dimension) sun, could fill someone with energy of mental mater manipulation ("magic"). Each "god's" biochemistry could give different abilities and specialized power levels. (One could have the power level of a matchstick, while others could be powered at laser like levels.)

Each, full of energy incompatible with a Kryptonian body, but not one from Earth.
Those energy differences could have even made Superman and Wonder Woman "allergic" to each other. Another potential price of magic, that fortunately, didn't happen.

Anonymous said...

I don't know. It was strongly hinted at, in the anime PROJECT: A-KO, that Eiko was the biological daughter of Superman and Wonder Woman. Yet, she was depicted as a redhead!

So, one is forced to wonder if she might have been the adopted love-child of Lobo and Maxima?

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