Saturday, July 27, 2024

Green Lantern & The Flash and The Defenders


Another pair of JLA members with a classic Marvel team again today, like on yesterday's cover. This time I feature the GL/Flash team, which made more sense to me as a kid than GL/Green Arrow.  You could always count on an action packed tale when Barry and Hal got together.


Who Goes There? said...

Hal would do it knowing Barry would save him as soon as can be. Strange would set things up and the heroes had a chance. Would love to see this.

Carycomic said...

So, Dormammu is in charge of the Speed Force, now? I propose Namor as the one to enter it in serch of Barry's psionic essence. But, wearing GL Jordan's power ring! With that little piece of jewelry, the Avenging Son could keep himself hydrated enough to move as super-fast as he does when free-swimming through the ocean. And strong enough to douse Dormammu's fiery head!

Anonymous said...

@Cary: He could also locate the missing "A" from "search". ;-)

Shamus said...

I really like the defenders. This is rambly and unimportant, but i tried to think of DC counterparts for each member of the defenders. I'll share what I have:
Doctor Strange - Doctor Fate
Namor: Aquaman or Ocean Master (I feel like Namor and Ocean Master could have some similarities).
The Hulk: Etrigan
Silver Surfer: Martian Manhunter

I could keep going, but the comment formatting feels bad on my phone, so I'll pause here.

emsley wyatt said...

I remember some of those Silver Age Flash/GL team-ups. Wild stuff.

Shamus said...

I just thought of two golden age team-ups: the golden age angel and the sandman (wesley dodds). Both pulp style heroes with no powers who i could see having a fun team up together.

Also, I think Hourman and Namor might be a fun Team-Up too, seeing as they haven't had any adventures together yet.

Ben W said...

I think Solomon Grundy is much closer to the Hulk than Etrigan is.

Futabakun said...

DC has many classic two-man friendships like Flash/Green Lantern, Superman/Batman, Hawkman/Adam Strange, etc. I can't think of many Marvel ones... Spider-Man/Daredevil and Wonder Man/Beast are all that come to mind. Who am I missing here?

Shamus said...

@ben w I thought of Grundy too (mostly because i saw his name online a lot when i googled "dc counterpart to the hulk"), but I don't think Grundy does Justice to the Bruce Banner aspect of the hulk. Which is why I went when Etrigan. Because with Etrigan you can get both the demon and jason blood.

Bob Greenwade said...

I agree with Ben; Grundy is more Hulk-like than Etrigan; the latter would be more of a counterpart to Gargoyle.

@Ross: Actually, the GL/GA best-bud vibe is more realistic than you'd think. Jay Ward and Bill Scott, the producers of The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends, were at opposite ends of the liberal/conservative spectrum, but were best friends and had great respect for each other,* just like Hal and Ollie, and the difference in power level and scope isn't that far off of Clark and Bruce.

*That was much easier to do in the 1960s, as turbulent as that period was, than it is these days. Like in the 1850s, it's almost unimaginable now.

Bob Greenwade said...

Oh, I almost forgot: Nice cover, Ross! I can imagine Namor deciding to take the noble path of offering himself as the replacement, trusting Stephen to get him out of the jam.

Anonymous said...

Dr speedster would be cool for strange

Detective Tobor said...

Interesting cover. Hal is NOT yelling for Hulk to put Flash down. Different.
While DC had buddies like Barry & Ralph, Marvel kept it more like Peter Parker and Johhny Storm. Most were work friendships. Not many female friendships. Jan was known for clothing designs not friends. Dum Dum and Nick Fury might count.

Anonymous said...

@Anon1217: more like "...too cool to be strange."

Anonymous said...

Or should I say "...too strange to be cool"?


Scott said...

Those who have been wondering about the DC version of the Defenders it is Doctor Fate, Aquaman and Solomon Grundy. Hawkgirl played a little of Valkyrie. This was shown many years ago in Justice League Unlimited.

Alec Semicognito said...

Yep, I was about to mention the JLU Defenders analogue, which was really well done. I felt Hawkgirl was both Valkyrie and Nighthawk!

Alec Semicognito said...

Oh, and Amazo (called "Professor Ivo's Android" in the cartoon) was the Silver Surfer.

Shamus said...

I've actually persuaded myself that Doctor Fate, Solomon Grundy, Ocean-Master and Martian Manhunter would make an amazing team now. I don't know if i could write about it, but i could probably make ideas for it. And I'd love to read it.

C.C. said...

Maybe the sequel can be GL Arisia & Jesse Quick teaming up with Namorita, She-Hulk & Clea against an enemy.

Anonymous said...

How about Stardust the Super Wizard vs. the Sorceress of Zoom (if you can find any usable images of those public domain Golden Agers)?

Carycomic said...

I'd B-4 that!


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