Saturday, February 10, 2024

Supergirl and Kitty Pryde


Milly Alcock has been cast as the cinematic Supergirl for the DCU. I have only seen her in House of the Dragon, and she was very good on that show.  I'm not sure that I see her as Supergirl, but it's tough to judge by such a different role. She is at least age appropriate.  I certainly like the casting a lot more than the just announced Pedro Pascal as Reed Richards, what are they thinking there?


Anonymous said...

True! That'd be like Robert Downey Junior as "Anthony Snow Pyke; Lord of House Stark and the Iron Isles."

Carycomic said...

Now, be fair, Supergirl. The N'garai haven't bothered Kitty for six years.*

*See STF #2249.

Carycomic said...

And that particular Girls' Night Out was with Halo of the Outsiders.

Carycomic said...

One more thought for today. I've often wondered if the N'garai are to the Brood what the Dire Wraiths were to the Skrulls? An evil magic-practicing offshoot!

Bob Greenwade said...

I, too, have my doubts about Pedro Pascal as Reed Richards. Then again, I was among those with doubts about Michael Keaton as Batman, and we all know how that turned out.

Detective Tobor said...

How close are the girls for Supergirl to be able to make a comment like that?
Ross, do you have favorites that often come to mind for pairing? Are there some that you prefer not to work with (aside from maybe not having a large variety of illustrations to choose from) ?
How would you feel about a major fish out of water? Batgirl with Sgt Fury and the Howling Commandos in WW ll? He might consider her one of those Mystery Men he heard about.

Wild Card said...

I would have loved having Michael Chiklas back in the role of The Thing, since he is a fan of the character he did the best performance I have seen of Ben. But since he has given his positive review of who has been cast in the role, I am hopeful that it will go well (assuming the script doesn't ruin things as has happened in the past)

Ross said...

Tobor, I like all kinds of pairings, from natural ones to complete opposites.

Bob Greenwade said...

@Tobor: Some really "opposite" pairings already done have included Bugs Bunny vs. Doctor Doom and The Inferior Five vs. Galactus -- to say nothing of The Punisher vs. Ambush Bug

In the vein of that first one, maybe Batman could find himself dealing with Roger Rabbit.

In the vein of the last, it's been a while since we've seen Ambush Bug. Maybe he could start crushing on Carol Danvers or Jennifer Walters.

But backing up a bit, if you really want to see a "fish out of water" teamed up with Sgt. Fury, I'd go with Dream Girl.

Anonymous said...

A more likely "fish out of water" combo would be Batman and SpongeBob Squarepants...versus Galactus.

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