Sunday, December 3, 2023

Green Lantern and The X-Men


Hal Jordan and the X-Men have some history on the blog.  It all started when Hal and Logan mixed it up in STF #209, then continued when Hal brought the Corps along to confront Wolverine and the X-Men in STF #2122.  Wolverine, Hal and the Corps mended their feud in a 3- Part tale that began in STF #3489, continued in STF #3490 and concluded in STF #3491. It's good to see them finally all on the same side.


Carycomic said...

I wonder if these particular Sentinels are Yellow Lanterns infected with Bastianized nanobots?

Anonymous said...

Cary raises an interesting question. Weren't Bastian's mostly human Sentinels the result of some reverse-engineered transmode virus extracted from Warlock of the New Mutants?

Bob Greenwade said...

I was pondering which of the X-Men would be most appropriate for a GL ring, when it occurred to me that Wolverine might be just the person to try reforming the Red Lanterns.

Oh, and of those pictured, Nightcrawler seems to best choice for a GL ring. I'm not really expecting it to happen on the blog; it's just who I came up with.

Detective Tobor said...

Maybe Guy would have been friendlier with Logan than Hal.

The them with the old Manhunters? Who would deal with them?
Would Sinestro bother with the Sentinels since they could invoke feelings of the Manhunters?

Carycomic said...

Imagine if the Manhunters became part of the Borg Collective!

"No species will escape assimilation. No species will escape assimilation. No species will escape assimilation."

Glenn said...

Re: Bob's comment on Nightcrawler - I agree. High wire artists need to overcome fear.

Anonymous said...

Glenn inspires an interesting question. Would a Yellow Lantern (being a personifier of fear) burn at the Man-Thing's touch?

Detective Tobor said...

I thought Yellow Lanterns CAUSE great fear??

Carycomic said...

I always thought they instilled it by channeling some of Parallax's energies.

Bob Greenwade said...

What if Jonathan Crane got a Yellow Lantern ring?

Carycomic said...

Then, Batman and Birdman would probably have to team up against him. Especially, if the Scarecrow became the new Number One of F.E.A.R.!

Detective Tobor said...

Has anything made Man-Thing feel fear? Would it start to burn?

Carycomic said...

I believe that happened to the Man-Thing's Earth-8130 counterpart.*

*See WHAT IF...? v.1/#26 (Jan. 1981)

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah! That's the issue where he was replaced, as guardian of the Nexus of Realities, by a macabre gator-thing.

Carycomic said...

@Anon848: correct! :-)

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