Wednesday, July 15, 2020

The Hulk Vs. Sauron

This tale takes place not long after the events of STF #477... I can imagine that the Hulk's presence in Middle Earth would upset the balance of power, and that various factions would either try to destroy him or secure him as an ally.  Whatever he got up to, it would be sure to make for an exciting story.


AirDave said...

Whoa! Reachin' back seven years for that one! :)

Horsefeathers in a no fly zone. said...

So glad I never started an insurance company, especially there.
Alex Ross covers are so like a Hollywood wax museum. real 3d.

Davejonz said...

Great covers. (Thanks for including the earlier link!) The Hulk is made for Middle Earth. Sauron hasn't got a prayer.

Bob Greenwade said...

Yeah, Dave's got this one called right. If Ol' Big, Green, and Angry has gotten so far as to come face-to-face with Sauron, that armor's not likely to last an hour.

BigMike20X6 said...

Now I want to see a team with Merlin, Gandalf, Dumbledore, The Wizard Shazam, the Ancient One, maybe even Obi-Wan Kenobi

Anonymous said...

This reminded me of a rather good and long piece of fanfiction titled 'Avengers of the Ring' Thor, Captain America, and Bruce Banner end up in Middle Earth after an accident with the Bi-Frost.

The trio eventually confronts Sauron who peeked into their minds and tried to make his own Ironman armor both to unnerve and defeat these enemies Whereupon Thor gestures to Sauron's helmet and quips: "Doth Mother know her bucket covers thy head?"

Carycomic said...

You know something? This would make for a great tetralogy, if you threw in STF #'s 1017 and 2413. I mean, think about it!

The Hulk is stranded at the Crossroads of Eternity (discourtesy of Dr. Strange). And one of the teleportals he passes through brings him to the World of Two Moons. There, Cutter's tribe helps a visiting Gandalf to capture him for use against Sauron! Unfortunately, upon reaching Middle-earth, the Hulk escapes long enough to terrorize the hobbits of The Shire.

Bringing Old Jade Jaws to the attention of The Nine. Wouldn't that make for an exciting preliminary?

Anonymous said...

Lol! For a moment, I thought Ross meant the X-men villain.

Anonymous said...

P.S.---I wonder how Darth Vader would do against either one of the Saurons?

Anonymous said...

Hulk vs the Balrog. That would probably be a good fight.

Anonymous said...

How would Hulk handle the Balrog?

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