Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Teen Titans and The X-Men in "Freefall!"

X-Men and The New Teen Titans was a great crossover, I must have reread it ten times.  Still, I would have loved to have seen a meeting of the two teams in their original incarnations. There was something about the founding rosters of each team that always appealed to me, and it would have been cool to see them interact just as they were all starting out.


Anonymous said...

What did you think of Days of Future Past, Ross?

Raphael said...

Can't you just hear Hank yelling out "It's 'whom', Warren, 'whom'!" :-)

Ross said...

I gave my DOFP review on the recent Scalphunter/Warpath cover. Liked it, but had a major plot hole for me...

Rich Meyer, harbinger of Chaos said...

Who does Warren save? Easy. Kid Flash. Swing Wally over to the cliffside, he runs down it, creates updraft, slows everyone down.

Ross said...

I was hoping that someone would come up with an answer, and that's a good one!

Anonymous said...

"Who do I save?"

Well,let's see Angel. Kid Flash would probably spin around like a helicopter rotor. Wonder Girl would probably glide on the air currents like her Big Sis from Paradise Island. Marvel Girl would probably employ telekinetic levitation on herself and Cyclops. Iceman would probably form an icy chute for himself and the Beast (who could then use it to leap towards the cliff side, which he could easily climb like Spider-man). And, Speedy would probably deploy a parachute-arrrow! So, I guess that're stuck saving Robin. X-D

Ross said...

Ha, yeah he's the closest to impact too!

Lee Houston, Junior said...

Okay, besides Rich Meyer's Kid Flash suggestion; Ice Man could form a ramp to at least save himself, if not others.
Speedy and Robin might be able to shoot a line to one of the cliff sides. Cyclops might be able to use his eye beams to slow down his fall until Kid Flash can rescue him (think reverse thrust). Marvel Girl might be able to at least slow her fall down with her powers; and besides having a magic lasso to attempt saving herself like Speedy and Robin would, can't Wonder Girl fly?

Ross said...

Yeah, but Angel just met her, so he doesn't know yet!

SmearySoapboxPress said...

Given the playboy character Warren was in the Champions, maybe he would just save Wonder Girl! Tho I also think that Rich's answer is the most fun solution...

You did a great job with this-- they are such perfectly meshed images. Could you run the original pieces (or at least cite the sources)?

Ross said...

Teen Titans #37 and X-Men #'s 8, 10, and 28

AirDave said...

This is like my birthday and Christmas on the same day! This is awesome! This would be an awesome team-up to see!

SmearySoapboxPress said...

Thanks for the inside peek at your working method, Ross.

Carycomic said...

This still holds up as dynamic. Even after four-and-a-half years! :-)

Carycomic said...

And even more so now. :-)

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