Monday, March 3, 2014

Nexus and Warlock

It will be interesting to see how well Guardians of the Galaxy does at the box office.  If it is the success that Marvel is hoping it will be, it may open the doors for more varied and risky comic book films.  I'd love to see more comic-based space epics on the screen, introducing new audiences to the great characters that I grew up with.  Nexus and Warlock would be a good place to start - perhaps Warlock cold even be featured in a GotG sequel.


Anonymous said...

Rumor has it that Adam Warlock will have a part in GotG, so you won't have to wait very long.

Matthew Baugh said...

Hah! I really like the unexpected and obscure combinations you come up with! I'm afraid I only read a few issues with Nexis but loved Starlin's take on Warlock, back in the day. I'm less a fan these days because his universe-wide crossovers tend to make everyone in the Marvel Universe, except Warlock and Thanos,look incompetent. But I digress.

I remember a pretty interesting crossover with Jon Sable, Whisper, Badger, American Flagg, and Nexus back in the early 90s IIRC.

Matthew Baugh said...

I know you must get zillions of requests, but thought I'd throw a few at you anyway. Maybe something will tickle your fancy.

Hellboy + Vincent (Beauty and the Beast, original series) 'cause who could help Ron Perlman better than Ron Perlman.

Batman (the Animated Series style) and Gargoyles, 'cause they were two of the moodiest and coolest animated shows ever.

For that matter, any combination of the above characters would be cool.

Ross said...

Gargoyles, Hellboy and animated Batman will all be featured on upcoming covers at least...

pblfsda said...

@Matthew Baugh: I believe you're thinking of "Crossroads", a mini-series of five prestige/bookshelf format issues published by First. It came out shortly after the more sprawling "Total Eclipse" from Eclipse (which tried to use every character they had ever published). They both came out in 1988.

Matthew Baugh said...

Yes, it was Crossroads! It was a unique round-robin sort of crossover and was a lot of fun.

And Yay to the use of Gargoyles, etc!

If you ever do decide to use B&TB, there were a couple of one-shot comics. IIRC Wendi Pini did the art and might have done the story too.

Anonymous said...

@Anon148: trust me, namesake. It was a very disappointing part. :-(

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