Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tom Strong and Nexus

Tom Strong was my favorite among Alan Moore's ABC Comics line, as it was chock full of imagination and nods to great comic adventurers of the pst, so I am glad it has found continued life beyond Moore's departure.  I was worried that when he left, that was the last we would see of hs various ABC creations (although I'm still hoping for the return of Jack B. Quick).  Nexus similarly is a character that just can't be kept down.  He seems to reappear every few years, sometimes switching comic companies. I love that Steve Rude design and it's a good thing to see him in continuing adventures.


Anonymous said...

how about savage dragon and axe cop, that would make a great buddy cop movie.

Ross said...

So I keep hearing. Don't know much about Axe Cop though, I'll have to check out the show.

Isaac said...

Cylons and Cybermen!

Sweepy said...

Three cover almost in a row of obscure or independently published charters (Nexus, Wonder Warthog, Tom Strong, & Ego) and I am absolutely lovin it! Thanx Ross!

Carycomic said...

If Saveen had hid out in the subterranean reaches of North Am, the Strongs would most likely have had to recruit the help of Magnus the Robot Fighter. Especially if Saveen used 41st-century technology to create an army of killer Pneumen!

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