For the conclusion to this three-part tale, we see that Alpha Flight's premiere mage has made the journey to Titans Tower. He'll certainly be a big help to the team, but his teen years are behind him. Let's hope he can fit in!
For the conclusion to this three-part tale, we see that Alpha Flight's premiere mage has made the journey to Titans Tower. He'll certainly be a big help to the team, but his teen years are behind him. Let's hope he can fit in!
Continued from yesterday's cover, we now see that it was Gar Logan who switched teams from the New Teen Titans to Alpha Flight. But who from AF has taken his place? You can safely rule out anyone on this cover, of course. Find out tomorrow in the exciting conclusion!
Presenting part One of a Three Part tale! Looks like the NTT and Alpha Flight are participating in a hero exchange program. Which two heroes will be involved? You can guess now or just wait until part two tomorrow!
Darth Vader and Starfire have a bit of history on this blog - Starfire first ran afoul of the Empire in STF #397, and was taken hostage by Vader in STF #398... (her marriage to The Silver Surfer was resolved in STF #2200, if you're curious). Vader was last seen taunting Starfire by joining forces with her sister in STF #3047.
I loved with The Super-Friends would have a guest star on the show like Plastic Man or Green Arrow. It made the world they inhabited seem even more expansive and inclusive of the comics in my young collection. Frank Castle appearing would have truly been a surprise though - I can only imagine what a Super-Friends version of The Punisher would have been like!
Merry Christmas!
I hope all who visit here are spending today with those you love! It has been another year of great suggestions, kind words and encouragement, all of which I have truly appreciated. A special thanks goes out to the Patrons, your support has helped keep this blog alive and now marching towards it's 14th year - that means the world to me. Have a wonderful and blessed day today, everyone!
It's only natural that a Time Lord would find himself in conflict with a time-based villain. I can't imagine he would have a high opinion of someone that uses control of the timestream for personal gain. At least they could bond over their fondness for colorful attire.
I think that these two buccaneer booted battlers would work well together. They are both considered to be the heart of soul of their respective teams and are each adept field commanders. One is a man out of time and the other is a man torn from his world so they could bond in that way as well.
The Rocket Pack first appeared in STF #3760, and as soon as I made the cover I realized there was antoher hero that I wanted to add. I liked Kurt Busiek's Power Company comic for DC back in the day, though it did not last very long. My favorite character in that series was Skyrocket. It's too bad she has only made a couple of small cameo appearances since that series ended. I felt like she had a lot of potential, and I liked that she was not just a female version of a previously existing male character.
For the conclusion of this Five-Part Tale, The Surfer has finally come to his senses and granted the Power Cosmic to some more worthy recipients than Black Adam. Time to clean up the mess that he left behind and put Galactus in his place!
Captain Marvel previously faced off against the World Devourer with Superman at his side in STF #2969...
For the penultimate chapter in this 5-Part Tale, we see the solo Avenger that is ready to go one on one against a supercharged Black Adam! It's a relief to finally get that menace out of the way... but wait, it feels like there is still a loose end. Oh yeah - Galactus is still out there! Make sure you come back tomorrow for the thrilling conclusion!
As we reach the mid-point of this 5-Part Tale, we see that Black Adam is using his cosmically charged power to tear through Earth's Mightiest Heroes! One member of the team thinks they have what it takes to face him solo, though. Who is it, and are they correct? Make sure you come back tomorrow for Part Four!
Presenting Part Two of a Five-Part Epic! Uh oh, looks like granting this Power Cosmic to Black Adam was a bit of a miscalculation on the Surfer's part! What will Teth-Adam's first act be, now that he has been even more super-powered - and can anyone stop him? Find out in Part Three tomorrow!
This marks the beginning of a 5-Part Tale. Infusing Black Adam with even more power is a risky move, but with Galactus on the horizon, desperate times are called for! Make sure you come back tomorrow to find out what happens when The World Devourer enters the picture...
Bob Greenwade, a patron of this blog, suggested that Nightcrawler would make for a good candidate to receive a GL ring. I have to agree with that sentiment, so here you go, Bob!
Coming tomorrow - the beginning of a 5-part tale!
It's interesting that both of these villains now have solo film franchises of their own. While The Joker has just completed filming of the sequel to its Oscar worthy first film, Venom is gearing up for the third outing of his cheesy but fun trilogy. I'm curious to see what the next cinematic outing holds for both of them.
This is another one of those covers that required a lot of clean up, extension and de-cluttering of the original image before I could add in any new elements. Here's a look at the behind the scenes process:
Uh oh, looks like Hawkman is caught between The Invaders and The FGG! Fortunately, the Golden Age Hawkman has had some experience with the individual members of Marvel's first fighting team - He met Captain America in STF #757, The Human Torch in STF #1519, and Sub-Mariner first in STF #208, and then again in STF #1896...
I remember being amused that there were sometimes back-up stories featuring "The Private Life of Clark Kent!" I guess Superman was so popular that not only his supporting cast but also his non-costumed secret identity got to have solo features. The stories were fun though, and the writers were usually able to sneak some super-heroics in there despite Clark remaining in civilian clothes.
James Gunn has proven very adept at including animal characters in his films. There have been rumors that Krypto will be making his big screen debut in the DCU, and I can't wait to see how that is handled. Let's hope Ace the Bat Hound isn't too far behind!
I don't keep up with many titles these days, opting to trade wait if something gets really great reviews. One series I did pick up in total was The Terrifics. A great cast of characters involved in old school comic action is what the title provided, and it was a fun read. It's too bad the series was canceled, but with the rumors that James Gunn is looking to bring them to the big screen as part of the DCU, hopefully they will get another chance down the line.
A lot of people mention Heart of Ice as their favorite episode of Batman: The Animated Series. That's definitely up there for me, but it is topped by another villain origin from the first season. The appropriately two-parted Two-Face was the perfect showcase for a character that had not even been featured in cartoons yet, and I was glued to my screen when it first aired.
Daredevil and Two-Face first appeared together in STF #1780...
I think the main reason that I have always liked Scalphunter is because of the strong impression that the first story I read featuring him had on me. It was his appearance in The Brave and the Bold, and the amazing JL Garcia Lopez artwork in that issue blew me away. I liked when the western heroes would cross over with DC's superheroes. The above Scalphunter image was taken from when he, Bat Lash, Jonah Hex and Cinnamon showed in a couple of Justice League of America issues, another fun story.
Don't get me wrong, I was all for Lana Lang getting a set of super powers so that she could help out Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes - but those Insect Queen abilities where she would transform sections of her body into giant insect parts were kind of gross. Maybe something more along the lines of what we see here would have been more palatable.
This would be a fun battle to see. The Brotherhood has a decent set of powers to draw upon - enough to give even The Worlds Mightiest Heroes pause. I'm sure they would find a way to win in the end, but it woould be entertaining to watch them get there.
This is the third adventure these two have shared together. They were last seen battling Sivana's Sentinel in STF #3626, and first met in STF #3034... Let's hope that this Squid Game is not as lethal as the one I watched on Netflix.
Hal Jordan and the X-Men have some history on the blog. It all started when Hal and Logan mixed it up in STF #209, then continued when Hal brought the Corps along to confront Wolverine and the X-Men in STF #2122. Wolverine, Hal and the Corps mended their feud in a 3- Part tale that began in STF #3489, continued in STF #3490 and concluded in STF #3491. It's good to see them finally all on the same side.
I have been meaning to put these two guys together for a while now, and have finally got to it. Captain Midnight was a Fawcett Comics character, but I don't remember him making any any appearances in DC titles. I guess he wasn't part of the deal when they acquired Captain Marvel, Bulletman, Spy Smasher and the rest?
Teenage boys can get pretty girl-crazy, so this isn't a bad plan by The Enchantress to overpower these LSHers. Something tells me that the female members of the Legion aren't going to let this situation stand for long - that is, if they aren't distracted swooning after Thor!
I doubt I would ever read any Nemesis growing up if he wasn't the star of the back up feature in my favorite comic - The Brave and the Bold. I'm glad I did though, It's a crackling spy adventure featuring a master of disguise, deftly illustrated by Dan Spiegel. I've always wanted to see those back-ups collected into a TPB, but I don't know if the demand will ever be there for such a project.
I finally checked out the Blue Beetle movie, and I thought it was OK. I probably would have been more impressed with it 10-15 years ago, but at this point I felt like I had seen most of the story beats done before in other superhero flicks. The very generic villains did not help. I did like Jaime and his family though, and some of the effects were fun to watch, especially with the Bug ship. I liked the nods to Ted Kord, but wonder if the mid-credits scene concerning him will ever be followed up on. Blue Beetle is supposed to be one of the few characters that well be crossing over into James Gunn's new DCU though, so I suppose there is a chance. Maybe in the proposed Booster Gold series?
Sure, The Sandman has taken steps to become a reformed criminal - but nobody told Nightwing that! This is a rematch between these two. They first clashed back in STF #3447, and Dick Grayson also faced Flint Marko along with the rest of the Sinister Six in STF #3738...
The Milestone characters have weaved in and out of the DCU, but I don't think that I have ever seen these two share a story together. I think they would get along pretty well. There was a lot of talk of a Static Shock movie a while back, hopefully it is still in development. Maybe producers are getting cold feet after the recent run of disappointing box office returns for superhero movies?
Marvel seems intent on bringing the Young Avengers to the MCU. That's all good and well, but these guys are the teen Marvel team that I'd really like to see join the fun. I think their series sold a lot better than any of the Young Avengers titles, after all.
It might be interesting to see how an old school cop reacts to the exaggerated world that Dredd inhabits. Something tells me that he would soon learn to adapt and fit right in. But is the world ready for Judge Tracy?
I've been hoping to see a live action Spider-Woman for years. I thought that the upcoming Madame Web movie might fulfill that wish. The first trailer for the Sony movie has dropped, and there are no shortage of spider-powered women in there. I'm nor sure if any of them are Jessica Drew, though. I guess we'll have to keep on waiting.
I hope all who celebrate have a great Thanksgiving today, and those visiting STF: The Lost Issues from outside of the US have a great Thursday!
The Spectre has encountered The Fantastic Four previously on this blog. He passed judgment on Reed Richards in STF #3721, and shared and adventure with the team in The Negative Zone in STF #1046...
These guys never hit the big time like Batman did, but I always got a kick out of their stories. Creator Art Adams put whatever he loved to draw into those tales - apes, beautiful women, freaky aliens, exotic locales and of course, monsters. Each issue they appeared in was definitely a feast for the eyes.
Falling for the villain never quite works out in comics, Batman and Catwoman have never seemed to reconcile their romance. Roy Harper had a child with Cheshire, but that ended in tragedy. Alan Scott and Harlequin were happily married with two kids until DC decided that she was just his beard for all of these decades. It doesn't look like Nighthawk is going to break the trend.
This may not be a battle I would be expecting, but one that I would enjoy watching play itself out. I am thinking that the Mad Titan may have bitten off more than he can chew this time. He'll definitely need to put his Thanos-Copter to use at some point.
These two always seemed to have similar personalities to me, so I suspect that they would work well together. Hellboy is always coming across strange looking beings with fantastical powers, so joining forces with Rex Mason would just be another day on the job for him.
One of the things I enjoyed about the Sensational She-Hulk series was the obscure characters from Marvel's history that would show up as guest stars. I think that Space Cabbie would have fit right in.
It looks like we'll have to wait a while longer to see Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson again. Captain America: Brave New World has been pushed back a year for retooling. Apparently test screenings did not go well and they are looking at reshoots. The film sounded pretty stuffed, with The Leader, Red Hulk and The Sentry all rumored to be involved, so maybe it's a pacing issue that can be fixed with editing.
The Falcon and Robin previously had battled The Outsider together in STF #2180, Had an adventure with the original Teen Titans in STF #2743, and fought the hand after Dick Grayson became Nightwing in STF #2990.
This cover marks the 15th appearance of The Danvers Twins. I think that Bob Greenwade, a Patron of this Blog, has a good chance to win the movie role teased here - he's been suggesting a Benoist/Larson cover appearance for a while now. Lets just hope The Danvers Twins movie fares better then The Marvels at the Box Office!
Two villains with theatrical backgrounds such as these guys are naturally going to cross paths at some point. I can only imagine what kind of trouble that they would be able to cook up together.
Loki ended up its two-season Disney+ arc in such a way that Marvel can easily either continue with Kang as a main villain or move on from him to a different franchise wide antagonist. I haven't heard of any concrete plans as to what direction the studio will go in, and I imagine we won't until Jonathan Majors' court case is settled one way or another.
Welcome to Super-Team Family: The Lost Issues! The greatest team-ups that never happened... but should have! A new cover is posted every single day! Thank you very much for stopping by! If you like what you see here, please consider helping it continue by becoming a Patron at: A big thank you goes out to this month's patrons: Chuck Small, Tom Brennan, Mike Shirley, Bob Greenwade, Tony Isabella, Bob Sanders, Brian C., Robert Stutts, Allan Heinberg, David Welsh, Christopher Cavett, Robert E. Jackson, Ivan Schablotski, Sheryl Knowles, Alfred Day, Greg Matiasevich, Scott Nesmith, Russell Burbage, Stephen Towler, Shagg Matthews, Damian Whiter, Jeff O'Hare, Justin Metzger, Greg Morrow, Darrell Frazier, Marc Tyler Nobleman, Benjamin Woods, Christian N, Greg, Andy Saavedra, Alexander Johnson, Tom Zilla, Jonothan Woodward, RJ, Colin Fredericks, Jim Smith, Juan Calle, Bo Ring, Michael Gelman, Robert Banning, Ken Roskos, and Alex Krislov STF: The Lost Issues!