Thursday, January 16, 2025

Dial H for Hanna-Barbera


At a time when all I knew where heroes from Marvel and DC comics, I was happy to find Hanna-Barbera's World of Super-Adventure with it's impressive line up of cartoon stars. Space Ghost and The Herculoids were my favorites, but I liked all of the features.  Alex Toth certainly knew how to design a show!

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

The Thing and Bronze Tiger


We've had two versions of the Suicide Squad in the movies, but still no Bronze Tiger.  Maybe he can be a supporting character whenever the DCU finally gets the Batman side of things underway?  I did like the live action appearances by Michael Jai White in the Arrowverse, but I thought that he could have been used better there.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Superman and Warlock

Often in comics, when two heroes first meet there is a misunderstanding that leads them to battle each other before joining forces against a common foe. For this story, I thought the could beat the bad guy before fighting each other for once. You have to mix things up once in a while, right?

Monday, January 13, 2025

Firestorm Vs. Marvel Villains

There was a bit of background removal and replacement required before I could and Ronnie Raymond and Professor Stein to this cover.  Here's a look at the behind the scenes progress:


Sunday, January 12, 2025

Spaceman Spiff and Captain America

 Captain America is a natural born leader, but could even he be able to rein in the action-seeking mind of Calvin?  It would be an interesting meeting, to be sure.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Rambo and 4 Famous Co-Stars

Now this is the type of Super-Team cartoon I would have loved back in the day.  The biggest action stars of my youth working together, count me in.  Heck, let's consider that to be the shark from Jaws up there and throw him into the mix!


Friday, January 10, 2025

New Teen Titans and Doctor Doom

 Victor Von Doom can be quote discourteous, and Koriand'r is not someone that you want to get on the wrong side of.  Yeah, I can see this scenario taking place!  But what would the fallout be? 

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Batman Vs. Apocalypse


They say Batman can defeat anyone if he has enough prep time.  Apocalypse has had centuries to prepare himself, though.  It would be an interesting meeting!

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Iron Man and King Kong


We may see them from time to time, but for the most part, gorgeously painted movie posters are a thing of the past.  It's too bad, some of them were truly iconic.  Just like album covers, somewhere along the line, artistry took a back seat to more commercial advertising.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Gladiator Vs. Predator


We've seen a bunch of Predator/Marvel crossovers now that both properties are under the same corporate umbrella, so maybe this battle will be created for real one of these days.  The Predator might have his hands full in this match up, but it would be fun to see play out.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Deadman and The Hulk


This is another pairing that I have meant to get to for a long time.  Would Boston Brand be able to handle taking control of The Hulk?  I guess it depends on how mad the big guy is when the attempt is made.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Wildfire and Nova


Sure, it was cool back in the day when Karate Kid was sent back from the 30th Century to our time for a series of adventures - but I wished that other members of the Legion of Super-Heroes had been able to do the same.  Wildfire would have been at the top of my list, I just thought that he was so cool.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Wonder Man and The Creeper

 We've seen a quick glimpse of the upcoming Disney+ Wonder Man series, but not nearly enough to make any kind of judgment on it yet.  I do try to check out anything with Bob Odenkirk in it, so his involvement has me interested. Let's hope the series can balance humor and action better than She-Hulk did..

Friday, January 3, 2025

The Phoenix and Firehawk

 Hey, her origin can't be crazier than Rachel Summers', after all. I always thought that Lorraine Reilly gave off kind of a Phoenix vibe with those flaming wings of hers, and thus a cover concept was born!

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Fantastic Four and The Authority


With The Engineer set to make an appearance in the upcoming Superman movie, it looks like James Gunn is serious about bringing the entire Authority team to the big screen. I do remember really the first few years of stories in their original comic. They were pretty much on their own though, it will be interesting to see how they fit into a world populated with DC heroes.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Justice League of America Vs. Ego The Living Planet


It looks as though most of what we saw on the Peacemaker HBO Max series will remain canon for the new DCU - with one noticeable exception.  The Justice League does not exist yet, so the scene where they show up at the end of the series has no longer officially happened.  Will it be addressed in some way during the second season, or simply ignored?  It will be interesting to see how it is (or isn't) handled.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Skyrocket and Captain America


It's a shame that DC Comics has such a cool character in Skyrocket, and nothing is done with her.  The company definitely needs more female heroes that aren't tied to a per-existing male hero, and she is an excellent example of that.  I hope her creator, Kurt Busiek, or some other writer finds a way to properly utilize this hidden gem.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Blue Beetle Vs. The Scorpion


It's time for another double-dose of Ditko.  Who better to face The Scorpion in his STF debut than a similarly themed hero that was also designed by the legendary comics creator?  It would have been cool to see him illustrate this entire issue!

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Darkwolf joins The Lord of the Rings


I remember seeing the animated Lord of the Rings in the theater as a kid and being blown away by the scenes utilizing rotoscoping.  Later on in life I saw Fire and Ice and the technique was used even more impressively there.  I hoped that superhero animation could be done in the same way.  Though Batman the Animated Series would later usher in a new age of comic book cartoons, I never quite got my wish there.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Rocket Racoon and Ultra the Multi-Alien


Fans are going crazy for Krypto in the new Superman trailer, and considering James Gunn's deft handling of Rocket Raccoon and other animal characters, I can understand why.  I loved the brief glimpse at Metamorpho as well - If Gunn can successfully bring that tough to adapt Silver Age hero to the big screen, who's to say the Ultra the Multi-Alien is off the table for an appearance in a future DCU project?

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