This is the third adventure these two have shared together. They were last seen battling Sivana's Sentinel in STF #3626, and first met in STF #3034... Let's hope that this Squid Game is not as lethal as the one I watched on Netflix.
This is the third adventure these two have shared together. They were last seen battling Sivana's Sentinel in STF #3626, and first met in STF #3034... Let's hope that this Squid Game is not as lethal as the one I watched on Netflix.
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Is the Suicidal Squid at it, again?
P.S.---I am really a shapeshifting robot. I can transform into cars, motorcycles, ten speed bikes, and even staircases!*
*Just teasing, Recapcha!
In that cover Captain Marvel, Jr looks like a kid which I have not seen in years.
If this were a real comic, I think that Freddy and Kamala would be the hottest platonic couple in the industry.
@Cary: The meta-character's name is Suicide Squid, and I personally would love to see him make an appearance here. It'd be tough, of course, since as far as I know only two images have ever been made of him (the main one being the one on this page).
Too bad. I'd love to see who'd win if he ever took on the Suicide SQUAD.*
*From what I've been able to find out on line, the character was the result of some web surfers teasing a Japanese fan of that DC comic book over an ESL typo.
Glenn- you should know by now that all super-heroes like CM Jr. age gracefully and very slow, besides it's up to the particular artist how young they make the heroes they draw.
@Cary: That is, in fact, correct. I've even read a log of the actual conversation, including everything that ensued with the character over the course of a decade or so.
And they can't reach Arthur? Shame. Hey, suppose you team The Squid with Starro? "Hands Across Space!"
Bob, I thought the character from was a hero, not a villain!!
And I love that Champions write-up, it's been too many years since I played that game. I need to read that full page, you have more details than I remember (mind you, it's been two decades since the newsgroup was last active)
@Wild Card: He is. And thanks for the compliment (that Champions write-up was written by yours truly; Mike Surbrook was good enough to post it on his site for me).
Too bad we can't see a three-for-all between Marvel's Champions, their Hero Graphic namesakes, and the latter's rpg* counterparts.
*Role-playing game(s).
P.S.---it just occurred to me. Maybe this is why the Silver Surfer initially sought out Black Adam to help him deal with Galactus. Cap and Mary were helping extricate Junior and Kamala from Billy the Squid's tentacled clutches.
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