Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Kang and The Legion of Doom


Loki ended up its two-season Disney+ arc in such a way that Marvel can easily either continue with Kang as a main villain or move on from him to a different franchise wide antagonist.  I haven't heard of any concrete plans as to what direction the studio will go in, and I imagine we won't until Jonathan Majors' court case is settled one way or another.  


Carycomic said...

Evidently, Brainiac was able to secure Kang's help in liberating the LOD from Doc Vic back in STF #4171.

Davejonz said...

Kang is just pretending to be working with the Legion Of Doom. It's obviously all just a ruse to get close to Brainiac and find out the whereabouts of the Bottled City of Kangdor.

Detective Tobor said...

Kang, Brainiac and Lex supply planning but will they stay "true" to each other??
Can you team up with out ego?? Great cover..quiet, but menacing.

Bob Greenwade said...

Every report I've heard is that Marvel's leaning to Doctor Doom as the new major franchise-wide antagonist. My hope is that Jonathan's case works out so he can finish out the Multiverse Saga, and Doom can be the Big Bad for the next Saga.

As for today's cover, this is a brilliantly seamless insertion; I could not tell that Kang wasn't part of the piece from the start.

me said...

Very scary bunch especially if Sinestro provides yellow fear rings.
Cheetah is the weak sister of the group but I expect she will be used when they want to get something done very messy.

Anonymous said...

@Tobor: Ego's too busy battling Hawkgirl @ STF #4210.

simon said...

going into the Avengers past ( by Ironman’s Helmet ) without the hulk they may well be in Trouble,
those villains are not going to go easy on them…

Carycomic said...

@Simon: unless, of course, Deadpool arms the Avengers with multiple copies of DC WHO'S WHO. You know; a la the Joker with multiple copies of OHOTMU for the Masters of Evil @ STF #61?*

*Copyright 3/19/2012

Anonymous said...

Say, here's an idea... In light of the conflict in Israel, how about a team-up between DC's Seraph (from the Global Guardians) and Marvel's Sabra?

Carycomic said...

With, maybe, Clayface imitating the Arabian Knight?

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