Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Wonder Woman Vs. Aliens


Diana and her fellow Amazonians are a formidable force that never shy away from battle, but a Xenomorph infestation of Paradise Island might really put them to the test.  Frankly, I'm surprised that DC and Dark Horse didn't produce this story for real when they were crossing Aliens over with Batman and Superman.


Carycomic said...

All too true. They could even have called it "The Trinity War!"

In any case, that is undeniably a great action shot. My compliments to Messrs. Forgues and Lee.

emsley wyatt said...

Subtle title. A "Queen" fan, I presume.

Ross said...

But of course, Simreeve!

Bob Greenwade said...

Cary nailed it. The Trinity vs. Aliens would be just the ticket.

(Though I still favor Starro vs. Aliens for "The Face-Hugger War!")

Reg Aubry said...

Ooh, good one Bob Greenwade!
Or how about Starro vs. The Borg...both of them battling to win the hearts and - mostly - minds of Earth!

Anonymous said...

@Reg: I'd prefer the Borg vs. the Daleks.

@Bob: That could be the title for Episode 1 of Starro Wars.

Detective Tobor said...

How about the Aliens cover the Earth vs the JLA and Avengers teams? Paradise Island was never really in danger...the Amazons do KILL when they are in battle.

Anonymous said...

Except they spray out their acidic blood when wounded with any bladed weapons? So, Paradise Island might have to be temporarily evacuated by the Themiscyran Amazons (a la the First Battle of Bull Run during the American Civil War).

Carycomic said...

Another Amazon home bites the dust. :-(

Anonymous said...

And another goes down! And another goes down! Another Xenomorph bites the dust!

Carycomic said...

I am happy. I am satisfied. ;-)

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