Saturday, July 1, 2023

How you can help to support Super-Team Family: The Lost Issues

 Do you enjoy following Super-team family: The Lost Issues?  Do you hope it keeps going?  Here's your chance to do just that!

It is time once again for my once a year reminder about how you can help out - while this blog is a labor of love for me, it remains a one-man operation and can be quite time consuming to keep up on a daily basis, while trying to maintain or improve the quality. 

The blog will of course always be free, but if you would like to help support it, there are a couple of ways to do so - by by making a one time contribution by clicking on the "Donate" button at the bottom of this page, or by becoming a Patron at Patreon.  While I take suggestions from anyone, Patrons of course will get special consideration.

I truly appreciate everyone who takes the time to check out my covers, and those who participate in the comments sections, whether on the blog itself, the Facebook Fan Page or my Twitter Feed.  I always enjoy hearing feedback.

I've passed 4100 STF covers (with another 510 B&B and MTIO covers) so far, and this past year was especially exciting with the blog receiving a a nice inclusion in Twomorrows' The Team-Up Companion.  I look forward to sharing some of the fun covers that are coming up.   Thanks for stopping by for your daily dose of team up fun!


Kevin from New Orleans said...

This is one of my favorite blogs thank you for making it!

Ken Roskos said...

Keep 'em flying Ross! I really appreciate your work, and the fun, especially when you bring one of my suggestions to life;) Your Magnus/Bladerunner combo was like having Aladdin's Lamp! I'm itching to see #4100. Have a great weekend!

Ross said...

Appreciated, Kevin!

Thanks, Ken - and thanks for the support!

Detective Tobor said...

With everyone crying about the lack of supplies affecting everything, it's so great to see your multi manned company continuing to accomplish gems on such a regular basis.

Bob Greenwade said...

Oh, that's right -- #4100 is coming up soon!

I can hardly wait!

The Irredeemable Shag said...

Happy to support! I get more enjoyment from your covers than an entire modern comic. Plus a modern comic is only 22 pages; you give us 30+ covers a month! Keep up the great work!

Support STF: The Lost Issues!