Wednesday, July 5, 2023

The New Warriors and Infinity, Inc. (and more!)


I like making these Anniversary Issues as homages to the 100-Page Giants that I devoured as a kid.  Sometimes, though, I really have to shrink some of the images to fit the confines of the cover.  So here, I will show you larger versions for all of the individual stories included above:


Carycomic said...


To say you have to do a lot of cutting-and-pasting would be an understatement. I just hope Stature was, at least, some help in shrinking the images.* In any case? Happy 4100th Anniversary!

*My apologies, Ross. It was too good to resist. ;-)

Simon …. said...

i would have thought that a race between Impulse and Nova the human ( and humourless ) rocket would have been on the cards,
love the concepts and team ups,

C.C. said...

It's nice to see Firestar again after such a long time in STF limbo.

Carycomic said...

One last question for today: did Impulse and Stature have the same originating artist? Because the costumes in these particular image captures look very similar to each other.

Detective Tobor said...

here's to The New Infinity Warriors....hope they never cause any kind of 'Civil War'.

Carycomic said...

You'd more likely see Jocasta and her android husband "Split!"


Bob Greenwade said...

Nicely done! The best-looking section is, of course, Ms Martian and Ms Marvel, though for titles I love "Speedy and Spidey." (I wonder that you didn't use a certain red-clad teenage archer instead of Impulse, but it still works.)

It's also great to see Stature finally make her debut here, shortly after her debut in the MCU. I hope to see her more in the future. There should be plenty of reason for it; Kathryn Newton did a fine job in the role in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, and there have been plenty of hints toward a Young Avengers project for her to return in before Avengers: The Kang Dynasty.

The MCU's Young Avengers already has most of its cast alrady in place: Wiccan and Speed from WandaVision, Patriot in a couple of cameos in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, the second Hawkeye, Hulkling in theShe-Hulk: Attorney at Law finale, Miss America featured in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, and Kid Loki in Loki; Ironheart could possibly taking the place of Iron Lad, though Harley Keener or even a young Nathaniel Richards could take on that title.

Simreeve said...

In the Spiderman (Morales?)/Impulse picture, just what is Spiderman's web attached to at its top so that he can swing through the air?

Carycomic said...

The Fourth Wall, most likely.

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