Sunday, July 30, 2023

Legion of Super-Heroes and Captain America (Part Two)


Presenting the middle chapter of a three-part epic!  We are starting to get an idea of what Captain America's secret mission entails - but just what is he drafting Val Armorr to do?  You'll have to make sure to come back tomorrow for the thrilling conclusion to find out!


Detective Tobor said...

How much time passed there? I don't see Kal, Sunboy, Element Lad , or Cham. And Cap doesn't need strong defenses like Mon-el or Ultra Boy, but a strong offense like Karate Kid?? Not Iron Fist? Fighting styles or something else?? And how much did Superboy reveal about the Legion to tell Cap about K.K.'s styles?

Tune in tomorrow boys and girls for that thrilling conclusion!!

Alaric said...

Detective Tobor- The LSH is a gigantic group. I just assume we're only seeing part of the active membership on each cover, not the whole membership. (And how do you know Cham isn't on this cover, in disguise?)

Carycomic said...


This is even better than my first two guesses! And suitably epic, too, as I've generically come to expect for these quarterly issue observances. But, Tobor has raised an interesting question. And, for my part, I see one of two answers.

Either Darkseid got the best of Heroes For Hire (back @ STF #4108) and had them brainwashed by Granny Goodness, accordingly.* Or, Cap needs help rescuing Sgt. Rock and the rest of the now-captive Avengers from Kang's bunker (@ STF #4119). Slightly less likely would be my own preference; Karate Kid taking on a Judomaster in thrall to the Red Skull.

In any event, I await tomorrow's part three with the proverbial bated breath.**

*In which case, Karate Kid might be the only one who could take on a mind-controlled Iron Fist.

** Of course, as Bugs Bunny might've said: "Why would anyone want their breath to smell like bait? That's the most ridiculous thing I ever hoid!"

Anonymous said...

@Carycomic: Actually, I think Bugs stole that line from Groucho Marx.

Ain't he a stinker? ;-)

Bob Greenwade said...

@Tobor: The not-seen Legionnaires are probably off-panel, to the left.

As for Iron Fist, I figure he and Luke finished their business and went back to the 21st century.

@Anon@11:46: You're correct; that's a Groucho line, or at least a line mainly attributed to him.

Anonymous said...

@Tobor: isn't that Cham on Colossal Boy's left shoulder?

@Bob: either that, or Invisible Kid II has projected his power around Sunboy, Superboy, and Element Lad.

Davejonz said...

By sheer coincidence I am currently halfway through (the much maligned) Countdown to Final Crisis - in which Karate Kid gets a bad dose of the 21st Century so I get why he isn't that keen on Cap's suggestion of a return visit.
(BTW, maybe it's my defective standards but Countdown is actually a lot of fun - confusing yes, with too much happening off stage - but I've read highly-rated stuff I've enjoyed a lot less than this.)

Wild Card said...

Oh now this has gotten VERY interesting!! I remember the Karate Kid series and why he was in the 20th century in the first place. What the heck has Cap encountered that he needs Val to come back again?

Detective Tobor said...

@Anon3:35, i think that may be his girlfriend.

Carycomic said...

Tobor's right. That's doubtless CB's Durlan wife, Yera. A 31st century actress who was hired (by Micro Lad and other Imskian separatists) to impersonate Shrinking Violet.

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is quite a concept. I can't twait to see what you come up with for STF #4150!

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