Thursday, January 5, 2023

Supergirl and Medusa

 I name dropped Jimmy The Hutt back on the cover of STF #3134, and for some reason the concept stuck with me.  It was just so ridiculous of an idea and yet a transformation that I could imagine the Silver Age Jimmy Olsen getting himself into, that I just had to see if I could make it a reality. So, this is me finally getting around to that.


Carycomic said...

Let me guess. He was either hexed by the Scarlet Witch-as-a-Dathomirian Nightsister; or he was exposed to Psyche-Magnetized Terrigen Mists by Harley Quinn.

Either way... I LOVE IT!

Thank you, Ross! :-D

Detective Tobor said...

Ross, i'm not sure...., but i don't think Jim helped the cause of "gingers" here. What he was willing to do to get a major scoop on the planet and its magic. The bowtie did help.
Supergirl, with the datker colors looks quite a bit better. Very nice coloring for her and the cover.

emsley wyatt said...

No weirder that "Giant Turtle Olsen".

Ken R. said...

Ho ho ho... Solo?

Simon …. said...

to quote “ bow ties are cool”
i love this one, it’s just Great Fun…
only the Pet avengers & Legion of Super pets can save them….

Bob Greenwade said...

This is one of the great things about this project, Ross: the potential for weirdness is an order of magnitude greater than any actual publication could do. Jimmy Olson's long history of transformations during the Silver Age does, as you say, lend itself well to something like this. This falls into the same category of brilliant amalgamations that I'd love to see more of here, right alongside Iron Beetle and Green Lantern Matt Murdock.

Of course, there are also the odd match-ups, particularly in the "versus" category. These can range from Swamp Thing (at the height of his powers as a plant elemental) versus Galactus, to Bugs Bunny versus Dormammu.

Ross said...

BOB - Galactus last appearance on this blog had him up against Swamp Thing, so that's on here at least. As for Iron Beetle, he'll return, although not in the way you might think... look for him as part of STF #4000...

Simon. Pet Avengers/Legion of Super Pets has been a tough nut to crack... but I think I finally got images that work to my liking... It'll show up one of these day, I guarantee.

Anonymous said...

@Carycomic: I vote for Door Number Two. Supergirl's imprisonment paves the way for a sequel involving rescue by her sister Carolyn (first superhumanized by the Kree's Psyche-Magnetron). And Medusa's presence virtually guarantees something big occurred (like the theft of Inhuman Terrigen Mist samples).

But, instead of the Scarlet Witch and/or Harley Quinn being responsible, I would opt for them being mind-controlled by the true culprit: Asajj Ventress!

Carycomic said...

@Anon1054: interesting idea. Ross could even team all three of them up as "The Return of the Lady Liberators!"

Anonymous said...

@Carycomic: if nothing else, Asajj Ventress is long overdue for a debut here.

Kid Charlemagne said...

Bugs Bunny vs. Dormammu?

I almost pity Dormammu.

To adapt an admission of defeat from Wile E. Coyote:

"How do you do. I am a jumped-up carnival magician. My name is mud. Is there a doctor in the house? (I'd even accept help from Strange at this point.)"

Kid Charlemagne said...

Or Dormammu vs. Mr. Mxyzptlk, with Mxy lighting his cigar off Dormy's head.

Anonymous said...

Attenn Hutt

Bob Greenwade said...

I'll agree re: Asajj Ventress. She'd be perfect for some time when someone (ideally a CGI character) is dropped into the Star Wars galaxy.

Alec Semicognito said...

Totally would have happened in 60s Superman. "Oh no! Jimmy's become a Hutt moneylender, and Lois can't pay!"

Anonymous said...

Let us all close our eyes and picture a slave-girl version of Silver Age Lois.


Anonymous said...


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