Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Black Lightning and Iron Man


There's still plenty of talk of bringing Tony Stark back to the MCU, either as an AI program in Armor Wars or Ironheart or back to life in one of the upcoming Avengers movies due to the machinations of Kang.  If Marvel Studios goes through with this, I hope they are very careful about it.  I'd hate to see his emotional sacrifice from Avengers: Endgame undermined.  Robert Downey Jr. isn't getting any younger either, he'll be in his 60's by the time the next Avengers movies are released.  Time will tell if any of this actually comes to pass, I just hope plenty of thought is given if they go this route.


Carycomic said...

Ross, all I can say on the subject of Robert Downey Stark is...don't worry about it till the initial trailers start. By then, it'll be in the hands of the post-production team(s). So you can give your worries over to them!

As for today's cover-sim? Suitably action-packed, as always. Your computer must have an image file bank the size of Mary Poppins' carpet bag interior! I honestly cannot recall which real-world covers those two poses come from.

It makes me wonder if they're facing that mad geniu/electrical wizard, Dr. Carl Strang(e).

Ross said...

Keep in mind that I don't only use covers. Splash pages, interiors, commissions, convention sketches, video game art, production design, anything is fair game if it has a usable image.

Detective Tobor said...

Marvel is no different than DC when it comes to acting. Look at the number of actors who have done Superman and Batman on the big screen and then look at Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four and the X-Men and The Hulk.
Different companies or not, the box office means too much to them.

Detective Tobor said...

@Carycomic has a msg in 1/9/2023.

Bob Greenwade said...

Robert Downey Jr. might be able to return to the role of Tony Stark for a special appearance in Avengers: The Kang Dynasty and/or Secret Wars, but I think it would be no more than that -- a "special appearance," somewhat like the two guest Spider-Men in Spider-Man: No Way Home (Andrew Garfield's comments about being interested in coming back notwithstanding).

The MCU character I'm wondering about is T'Challa. I agree with the decision to not recast T'Challa-616, but the What If...? series gave us the Star-Lord and Zombie Hunter versions of the character, at least the former of which is quite popular (or so I understand). Being able to keep Star-Lord T'Challa in the Guardians of the Multiverse, as well as introduce other Variants of the character, would be good if a voice impressionist could be found, and it would be nice to see the Star-Lord version (Chadwick Boseman's final performance as any version of the character) show up in live action.

Ken R. said...

I don't know BL, that wiring doesn't look like it's up to code anymore. Maybe stop by a Radio Shack first?

Richard said...

The powers are pretty much derived from the suit, right? Surely there's someone at Stark Industries whose been going over Tony's estate to see how much of the stuff actually belongs to the company. Perhaps Pepper - if she doesn't take on the role herself - might turn over the remnants of the suits to that guy? Tony might have even mentioned it in his will!

(says a guy who knows NOTHING about the comics and is just wildly speculating here)

H. H. Horsefeathers said...

Kang could bring a younger different T'Challa back to the present. Marvel problem solved.

Carycomic said...

Which reminds me: how about a team-up between Ace Morgan, Red Ryan, Rocky Davis, Prof. Hale and the Black Panther in...


Anonymous said...

@Carycomic: Cei-U, plagiarist! I just used that joke, last week.

Anonymous said...

Above anon, I'm sure it's inspiration not plagiarism.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, right. And QW is going to be MVP (Most Volatile Packer) of 2022-23.

me said...

I can see how Tony Stark will get a new best friend.

Anonymous said...

Does this make Jefferson an armor-Piercer?

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