Friday, March 4, 2022

Green Lantern & Green Arrow Vs. The Frightful Four

Warner Bros is taking their sweet time bringing Hal Jordan back to the movies.  There's the long ago announced and slow moving Green Lantern Corps series for HBO Max, but he wont be part of that.  By the time he hits the big screen again, we'll be ready for a new Oliver Queen as well - so why not bring them back together?  I'd be up for a Hard Travelling Heroes movie!



Anonymous said...

What is Star Sapphore borrowed from?

Ross said...

A sketch

Carycomic said...

Who would play Ganthet, I wonder? Danny Devito? After all, he's short; his hair's whiter, now; and Neal Dams drew Ganthet as Caucasian-pink in the original story arc. So, no need for blue body paint!

Bob Buethe said...

@cary: The "Old Timer" from Hard Traveling Heroes was Appa Ali Apsa (though he only got that name retroactively around the time of the Crisis). Ganthet was introduced much later, in a Larry Niven/John Byrne special.

Hyram H Horsefeathers said...

Cary, don't forget Peter Dinkle from Game of Thrones. CGI can do almost anything except make a bad script good. Ollie on the big screen? With everyone else with superpowers? good luck with that, Hawkeye.

Carycomic said...

@Bob Buethe: with all the ret-conning DC's done over the last 15-20 years, who among the modern teenage movie-going crowd would notice (or even care)? Besides which, "Ganthet" would be a lot easier to pronounce!

Bob Buethe said...

@cary: Personally, I liked the days before the Guardians even had names. There was a story in Brave & Bold #173-174 in which there was one Guardian too many. Since they were all physically identical and had no individual names, they had to summon Batman to deduce which one of them was the impostor.

emsley wyatt said...

"Paste Pot Pete" has to be the absolute dumbest villain ever.

Bob Greenwade said...

@Cary: Danny might even be up for the blue body paint. He seemed to fare well enough under the prosthetics as the Penguin.

@HHH: I think you mean Peter Dinklage. And yes, he'd be a pretty decent Guardian, though personally if he were to be a DC character I think I'd rather see him take on Oberon.

@emsley: Dumber than Big Wheel?

@Ross: Big Wheel is a character who really needs to be featured here, if only just once. He might be fun against the Atom, Blue Devil, Adam Strange, Speed Racer, Bumblebee (of the Autobots)... or even the Road Warriors!

Jay Johnson said...

This cover makes me realize Mike Grell was the perfect artist for those over-flowing 70's hair styles.

DrTorch said...

Grell was an awesome artist. My favorite from that era.

I subscribed to GL-GA, but in hindsight, it was a ridiculous pairing.

I like what they did w/ Arrow. Funny b/c in the 90s I said they could make a gritty title called "Star City" with these street level heroes.

Anonymous said...

@Jay Johnson: including the sandy-colored hair on Flint Marko's left arm?


Anonymous said...

PS@BB: maybe that's why DC _started_ giving them names. Guessing which numerically superfluous Guardian of Oa was an impostor must have been a plot dumber than Paste Pot Pete and Big Wheel put together!

Anonymous said...

@Dr. Torch: the "Arrow" series, on CW, made Oliver Queen even more of a "Batman-with-a-bow" than he was in the comics during the Late Golden and Early Silver Ages! And that was so not a good thing, I boycotted the entire series run...without regret.

Bob Buethe said...

Anon@2:26: No, actually, it was a good story, by Gerry Conway and Jim Aparo.

Carycomic said...

Even that story-telling duo probably had their off-days. And that B&B two-parter might have been one of them.

Bob Buethe said...

YMMV, but I thought it was a clever idea and an above-average B&B story.

Anonymous said...

But, I'm afraid my original opinion never will. Two thumbs' down.

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