Friday, March 11, 2022

Swamp Thing and The Scarlet Witch


One question that I have for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is exactly what role The Scarlet Witch will play in it.  Will Wanda be the true adversary of the film, or will she be influenced by outside sources?  I'd hate to see her turn irredeemably evil, but she did do some pretty bad things to innocent people in Wanda/Vision.  As I have mentioned before, I am doing my best to avoid spoilers for the film, so I'll just have to see it to find out.


H. H. Horsefeathers in indigo said...

Will that count if there is more than one Scarlet? Others might be Gone with the Wind.

Davejonz said...

@H.H. your notion brings to mind (mine at least) a cover of Wanda in the film poster - in the arms of Clark Gable (Kent?) while Atlanta (Atlantis?) burns in the background...

Bob Greenwade said...

This cover looks like it could've been done in live action -- not using existing live-action images, but as an actual crossover between WandaVision and the most recent Swamp Thing TV show. The plot would've been different (using the remnants of Alec Holland that were in the Swamp Thing to reassemble his body and revivify him), but it would've been an interesting tale.

Do you mind spoilers from the actual official trailers, Ross? The most recent will have a partial answer to your question.

Ross said...

These days I find even the trailers to be too spoilery. The Batman literally had shots from the final couple of minutes in the trailer.

Anonymous said...

I don't stream anyway, so I never saw WANDAVISION. But, I do remember how b****s the Scarlet Witch became when she was temporarily taken over by Chthon of Wundagore. I also compliment you on the premise for today's cover-sim! Reminds me of that WHAT IF...? story where Ted Sallis regained his human intellect while still in the form of Man-Thing.!

emsley wyatt said...

Just saw a copy of Daredevil 234. Does anything suggest itself? (Hint: You wouldn't even have to remove the "Ha Ha Ha"s.)

Carycomic said...

Ah! If only her outfit was the one she wore in black-and-white on those Youtube trailers. ;-D

Carycomic said...

P.S.---if Axel Asher amalgamated Wanda with the Golden Age Star Sapphire, would she be the "Scarlet Sapphire" or the "Starlet Witch?"

Anonymous said...

Well, Emsley, they are both Ditko illustrations...

Bob Greenwade said...

@Cary: I'd go with "Sapphire Witch" myself.

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